Tuesday, July 29, 2008
His words were few
And never made to glisten
But he was a joy
Wherever he went
You should have heard him listen
Sad & Happy
Write the happy moment on a rock, so that it won’t be faded away.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Mom's birthday
Who don’t love their mother? Ok I assume no hand was raised. We do love our mother no matter what. To those who have no biological mother must appreciate their adopted mother too. Some mothers are strict and some are lovely. Some seem busy with work all the time and some seem never love you or has her chosen kid in the family. No matter what, mother will always love you and same to you love your mother. Who are we without mother? We’re nobody.
Mom lost her 2 watches when there was a theft on my car. She was upset because one of them was given by her department for excellence work after 25 years with Mine and Land Department. I was speechless when her precious thing got stolen by irresponsible person. My car window was broken. She was also upset with her cell phone lost. Again I was speechless. I will buy those things again as soon as I could do so. I will start with the watch.
I bought her a golden watch last Friday. I went to the mall with two colleagues – Linda and Zaki. I trusted their choice. After few considerations I bought mom a watch, gold platted with some tiny diamond around the surface. I knew she loves gold. I smiled. I know I would be happy to see she is happy.
I didn’t wrap the box. I made it plain and simple. Yesterday after the wedding I attended in the daytime, I drove home excitedly to do the countdown. I didn’t want to play Ragnarok at first but I was afraid I would fall asleep and wake up after 12. I played the game, so I killed 2 hours.
My sister and I planned to take my whole family somewhere near the sea for grilled fish. I knew she loves fish a lot. Daddy was outside. He called mom that he bought some prawn noodles. My sister and I both looked at each other face with an expression “Are we changing plan now?”
Yes, all of us were full after eating the prawn noodle. It was delicious – dad is always good at buying foods. The prawns were fresh.
Dang! My alarm rang set on my cell phone. With full of excitement, I called mom’s cell phone to come to my room to give her a surprise. When she entered my room, I wished her birthday, kissed her hand, kissed her both cheek and gave the present to her. She opened it and a big smile emerged on her face. “Thank you so much my lovely son” she said. I was happy, I smiled.

Everybody grouped in her room. With Body Shop set from my youngest sister and Hadi, perfume from dad, handbag from younger sister and bra from untie. She smiled and I could tell it was one of the happy moments she ever had. All in sudden blackout! She was shock and grumbled. My youngest sister appeared with Hadi. They brought in a cake with few candles on the top. We sang happy birthday to mom while Hadi switched on the main switch back. Mom fed all of us the cake not to forget to my lovely little niece too. She kept screaming seek for attention as all of us put our attention on mom. It was funny.

I walked slowly to my room, I felt exhausted. I wanted to stay up so I didn’t turn the light off. In a blink, I fell asleep. When I woke up it was 6am and my room was dark.
Now I’m waiting for mom to wake up and make sure she is happy for the whole day.
I love you so much mom. Happy birthday, long life and God bless…
1.38pm – right after my lunch
Saturday, July 26, 2008

In this modern era, developer should assume that those who buy the house would drive 1 car at least even though the average for a family in Malaysia now is 2 cars in a family. This thing happens again and again. It is the same problem over here and the same problem over there too.
From what I see, cheap house like flat will be provided with free car park which you can buy the house and need not to think about parking lot anymore. I won’t buy this kind of house not because it is cheap, but I know the consequences. Cheap house with cheap maintenance would give you a pain in the ass with the elevator. Normally they will provide 2 elevators and when both of the elevators are not working, do you think they will fix it as soon as possible? No, they won’t. I stayed in a flat before, so I know how it feels to live in a cheap house like that. Not to mention about the peoples around. They are so noisy and yet not helping at all. I say that because there was a theft in my house and the neighbor in front not even call when he saw the incident. When I reached home late after work, I was shock and I just ran to the nearest police station to make a report.
Let’s go back to the parking problem. This problem also happens to some apartments. When we buy a house, developer will only allow us to buy 1 car park. Maybe some would allow you to buy more than 1 but not many developers would do so. Again the same problem happen, a family normally has 2 cars and when they are only entitle to buy 1 parking lot another one need to park outside which is normally around the apartment at the both side of the road. Imagine how big is the road now when cars park at the both side of the road? Sometimes you have to give way to others who come from the opposite side just because the road is too small for both directions to go at once. Not to mention those like students and workers who share 1 house with 3 or more people. Let say all of them drive cars, where do they park their car? Normally the senior will conquer the parking lot and the rest need to park outside – same at the roadside around the apartment. No guard will look after your car and no CCTV to scare the thief too. It’s not safe at all.
What do you think we must do to make sure all cars get parking lot in the apartment? How to make sure all cars at the roadside safe, if the first question is impossible?
Till later.
26/7/2008 9:12am Saturday
Get ready -- going to Kedah for a wedding.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
World Heritage Site Celebrations

Is there anyone joining? Let me know.
P/s: click on the picture to see the events
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

There are a lot of things running in my head. I’m thinking about many things. Work procedure manual that I must submit end of this week. I’ve learned new things today at work. Seeking for security or freedom? I don’t know… I just don’t know what is in my mind now. I need time… more time for myself. Am I sure? I don’t know…
Sometimes I regret of doing thing. I think that no one understand me. I think that I’ve chosen a wrong path. Blank… dark… clueless.
I’m bragging nonsense again. Yes I know. You can simply close this blog if this post annoys you. If you understand nothing… no, I don’t understand either.
It has been a while I don’t have feeling like this. No, I’m not happy either. I have made some decisions in my life. Some made me happy but others full with regret.
What keep you alive? Motivation? Love? I don’t know. Don’t ask me.
Do you practice what you preach? Some do and some don’t. Human… sometimes they think they are the best, sometimes they think they are perfect, sometimes they forgot from where they belong. Sometimes you think you need guidance. Someone… something… I don’t know. It could be anything… back to the basic.
Sometimes you feel time is running out. You don’t have much time. You have wasted so much time. Have you live your life to the fullest? Have you done everything that you ever dream of? Have you? Achieve all your goals? Can you put a smile on your face when you are leaving everyone… everything in the world – in your world.
I don’t know… maybe I’m too tired or too stress. I don’t speak a lot when I’m in this condition. Not in the mood to talk. Even listen… ok I’m dehydrated. Really? I don’t know. Open my song folder, double clicked on Imagine by John Lennon.
I need a shower… no, it’s not hot. Just… I need a shower.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Get well soon

I reached home – tired. I got bullied in the office – learnt new thing. I don’t mind.
What about this post? Okay, let me explain. I had a blogger friend – Wahidah. I’m not sure why she keeps going in and out of hospital. I did ask her but she simply replied “Nothing serious”.
Today I got a sms from her:
Tq..Rndu ngan bloggers..Free tlg post dkt blog u bole? Dh 3 hr i admit..Hr ni nk wat investigation lg..Doakn i get well soon kay
So, here I post. She is now in PUSRAWI and I hope she will get well soon. Lets us pray!
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lately, I have been busy studying about claim. Why? Start from Monday I have new work list. I won’t deal with clinics and medical bills, insurance, medical claim, money refund from staff, purchasing, flight fright, medical system, guarantee letter and collector statement. Start from Monday I can focus. I can focus only on claim, allowance and loans (including housing, vehicle – car, motorcycle and boat & computer). I feel relief.
At least I can get my focus back. Does not matter claim will give me a headache dealing with bunch of idiots sometimes at least I can learn new things. This is what I love to do… learn new thing. How I wish I can learn new thing everyday! I’m considered lucky as some of us can’t change their work (I don’t mean change job okay?) which they have been doing the same thing since 4 years ago. Some even had been doing the same work for more than 10 years! Imagine that?
I can’t wait for Monday to come… eh its Monday’s blues! Whatever!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Selling computers
For more info and price kindly contact her:
Name: Nora
Contact number: 014-2236454
p/s: The computers are in Muar.

"Eggs are a nutrition rich food, containing 17 different vitamins and minerals, including omega-3 fatty acids, folate and vitamin E, which may be associated with protection from some of the risk factors for coronary heart disease," says dietician Sharon Natoli, director of Food Nutrition Australia.
Two studies published in The Journal of Nutrition found that eating an egg a day can reduce the risk of macular degeneration, a cause of blindness.
All cholesterol values are approximate
Cholesterol in Eggs | Cholesterol |
Cholesterol in Egg, whole, raw, 1 large
| 215mg |
Cholesterol in Egg, whole, raw, 1 medium
| 185mg |
Cholesterol in Egg yolk, raw, 1 large
| 215mg |
Cholesterol in Egg white, raw, 1 large
| 0mg |
Cholesterol in Egg, whole, raw, 100g
| 548mg |
Cholesterol in Egg, whole, hard-boiled, 100g
| 424mg |
Cholesterol in Egg omelette, 100g
| 410mg |
Cholesterol in Egg poached, 100g
| 480mg |
Cholesterol in Egg scrambled, 100g
| 410mg |
Cholesterol in Egg fried, 100g
| 480mg |
Cholesterol in Egg substitute, 1/4 cup
| 1mg |
Looking to the above table suggests that the egg yolks are not good, whereas the egg whites may be safe. Research, however, has found that the egg whites contain a substance that counteracts the harmful effects of the egg yolk to a great extent. So eating whole eggs appears to be safe. Many health professionals consider two eggs a week to be relatively safe to eat.
(Source : Cholesterol in egg)
P/s: My colleagues will be smiling looking at this post ;)
Are you daring enough?
Change tyre
Dunia Belum Kiamat

Go and read this book at any bookstore near you if you are into Malaysia’s politic. I won’t suggest you to buy as I don’t see it’s worth it. But there are some information that maybe you don’t know…
I read this book while waiting for the Hancock’s show time. Not worth it but glad that I know some things that I didn’t know before. Whether it’s true or not… who cares?
Hunger strike or Fear of being poisoned?
Raja Petra Kamaruddin's wife Marina Lee Abdullah stated that "He is on a hunger strike. It is a protest. The last time he did this, his liver was damaged. I don't think he is going to last that long." Raja Petra also refused visits by family members. On his release, Raja Petra claimed that he had not, in fact, been on a hunger strike but was refusing to eat and drink for fear of being poisoned, as Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Cpl. Sirul Azhar Umar (on trial for the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu) are being remanded in the same prison.
(Source : Wikipedia)
RPK was smart. Yes, they might put poison in the food to kill him. What do you think? If you were at his position, will you do the same? ;)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
What he said about Anwar in Tuesday night's debate was to criticise the former deputy prime minister’s policy stance during the financial crisis in 1998, said Shabery.
"What I talked about was really his policies and his leadership record so as to question his credibility.
"I just wanted to strengthen my argument that what he says takes advantage of the people's misery which is really caused by what is going on in the world.
"Personal attacks would be more about criticising what he likes, his clothes or his face," Shabery told reporters at the Parliament lobby on Wednesay.
Shabery said Anwar was the one who personally attacked him when he brought up Semangat 46, which he used to be a member of.
Shabery said he was satisfied with his performance and had also received many SMS messages either congratulating him or attacking him.
"Some support me and some are angry with me. But that's normal."
Shabery said he was more interested that the debate was actually something which brought Malaysian democracy forward.
"It is not a question of who won or lost, but that there was a platform to put our views forward."
Shabery said debating was a good and fair way and he hoped that it would be an institutionalised part of Malaysian politics in the future.
He said this would mean the people would not look at a politician based on how much money he had, but based on his ideas and public relations skills.
He added that he did not mind a return match with Anwar on the same topic.
(Source : The Star)
Ketua umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan menteri penerangan Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek mengambil bahagian dalam perdebatan bersejarah mengenai kenaikan harga minyak yang disiarkan secara langsung malam ini.
Perdebatan tersebut yang bertajuk "Hari ini membentuk kerajaan, esok turun harga minyak" berlangsung di Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) di Kuala Lumpur.
Ia bermula jam 9 malam selama sejam.
Orang ramai menonton secara langsung perdebatan tersebut di internet melalu Global Media Channel dan BernamaTV - atau di saluran-saluran televisyen yang disiarkan oleh TV9, Astro Awani dan Bernama TV.Perdebatan tersebut bermula dengan Anwar dan Shabery, masing-masing diberi masa empat minit sebagai pembuka bicara. Ia diikuti dengan soalan dari moderator Datuk Johan Jaaffar yang juga pengerusi DBP.
Kemudiannya dua ahli panel yang masing-masing mewakili Shabery dan Anwar bertanya soalan kepada kedua-duanyanya - editor Siasah, Zulkifli Sulong dan naib canselor Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Datuk Nordin Kardi.
Anwar berkata kerajaan boleh menjimatkan sekurang-kurang RM2 bilion sekiranya ia mengurangkan tahap simpanan tenaga negara daripada 40 peratus sekarang kepada 20 peratus dan dimanfaatkan untuk menurun harga minyak bagi mengurangkan beban rakyat.
Dengan itu, katanya, kerajaan dapat mengurangkan bayaran yang tinggi kepada syarikat penjana kuasa bebas (IPP) dan mengelak Petronas dan Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) daripada terus menanggung kerugian.
Di samping itu, katanya, lebih banyak lagi dapat diselamatkan jika dapat dikurangkan kebocoran yang berlaku, termasuk RM700 juta akibat kebocoran dan penyelewengan dalam pembekalan diesel.
Menurutnya, kerajaan juga boleh memperuntukkan RM1 bilion daripada dividen khas sebanyak RM6 bilion yang dibayar oleh Petronas kepada kerajaan untuk mengurangkan kadar harga minyak.
Berdasarkan cadangan tersebut, katanya, harga petrol boleh diturunkan sebanyak 50 sen kepada RM2.20 seliter.
"Saya minta dengan baik dan ikhlas, betulkan ini, kita boleh jimat ini," katanya.
Dalam ucapan pembukaannya, Anwar menegaskan melalui pengurusan ekonomi yang baik dan pembasmian rasuah, penjimatan kos membolehkan harga petrol dikurangkan sebanyak 50 sen, bagi meringan beban rakyat akibat kenaikan mendadak harga bahan bakar tersebut.
Menurutnya, pengurangan pembayaran kepada IPP serta keuntungan yang dicatatkan oleh Petronas yang hampir mencecah RM100 juta membolehkan kerajaan memperuntukkan RM3 bilion untuk diagihkan kepada rakyat melalui pengurangan harga minyak.
Shabery pula menjawab kerajaan terpaksa membayar subsidi sebanyak RM50 bilion jika ia mengekalkan harga minyak pada kadar RM1.92 seliter dan akan menjejaskan peruntukan untuk pembangunan yang lain.
Lagi pula, tambahnya, harga minyak dipengaruhi oleh faktor global. Beliau mengimbau krisis global pada 1973-74 ketika rakyat menyokong tindakan Tun Razak Hussein menubuhkan Petronas, tetapi mendakwa Anwar membantahnya, seperti yang dilakukannya sekarang.
Menurut Shabery lagi, jika subsidi ditingkatkan, ia akan menguntung orang berada dan juga rakyat asing. Oleh itu, katanya, mengapa tidak wang disalurkan terus kepada rakyat yang memerlukannya. Menurutnya lagi, Finland dan Norway sebagai contoh, tidak memberi subsidi dan mempunyai prestasi ekonomi yang baik.
Anwar bagaimanapun berkata, negara ini tidak boleh dibandingkan dengan Norway yang mempunyai 10 kali ganda pendapatan perkapita daripada Malaysia.
Menurutnya, kenaikan mendadak harga minyak telah membebankan golongan miskin dan terpinggir dan meningkatkan lagi beban hidup mereka.
Tambahnya, Petronas mengaut keuntungan besar dan menduduki kumpulan 10 syarikat minyak tertinggi dari segi keuntungannya.
Bagaimanapun, katanya, Petronas adalah hak rakyat dan pengurangan 50 sen harga petrol adalah langkah pertama ke arah itu. Malah, katanya, kenaikan harga minyak tidak disokong oleh rakyat, kecuali ahli-ahli parlimen BN sahaja.
Shabery kemudiannya menarik perhatian hadirin ke negara Venezuela dan Iran, yang mempunyai harga minyak yang murah tetapi kadar inflasi yang tinggi.
Tetapi di Malaysia, katanya, kerajaan berjaya menangani krisis makanan, malah menurutnya harga beras di negara ini lebih murah dari di Thailand. Jadi, katanya, tidak perlu mengadakan demonstrasi di jalan - merujuk tindakan pembangkang membantah kenaikan harga minyak.
Anwar pula menegaskan bahawa bagi setiap AS$1 kenaikan harga minyak dunia, Malaysia memperolehi RM360 juta. Dan kenaikan kadar inflasi yang tinggi akan memburukkan ekonomi negara.
Shabery kemudiannya membangkitkan bahawa IPP wujud ketika Anwar dalam kerajaan, dan mendakwa bekas menteri kewangan itu mempertahankan kontrak mereka ketika itu.
Malah, katanya, Anwar menggunakan kaedah Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF) untuk cuba menangani krisis pada 1997-98. Tambahnya, walaupun rakyat dalam kesukaran, tetapi mereka masih cukup untuk makan.
Anwar pula bertanya mengapa kerajaan memungkiri janji pilihanraya untuk tidak menaikkan harga minyak. Sebaliknya, kata beliau, kita harus melihat Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara pengeksport minyak.
Shabery kemudiannya menegaskan bahawa Malaysia bukan sebuah negara utama pengeluar minyak dan menurutnya hanya 26 peratus keuntungan Petronas datangnya dari sumber tempatan dan syarikat minyak negara itu menggunakan keuntungannya untuk mencari minyak di luar negara. Dan Petronas kini muncul sebagai sebuah syarikat minyak terkemuka.
Anwar mengakui bahawa IPP diwujudkan ketika beliau dalam kerajaan, tetapi meminta Shabery meneliti rekod mengenai perkara itu.
Beliau berkata, Tan Sri Ani Arope (pengerusi TNB ketika itu) membantah terhadap EPU (Unit Perancang Ekonomi) dan Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM) berhubung IPP.
Dan sebab itulah beliau meletakkan jawatan, jelas Anwar.
Menurutnya, IPP mengaut keuntungan berbilion ringgit tetapi Petronas dan TNB menanggung kerugian.
Katanya, kebocoran dan kronisme boleh ditangani dan menjimatkan sejumlah RM3 bilion. Malah, kata Anwar lagi, tindakan menaikkan secara mendadak harga minyak sekarang adalah preskripsi IMF.
Oleh itu, katanya, adalah satu fitnah untuk mengatakan bahawa beliau tunduk kepada kehendak IMF sewaktu krisis ekonomi pada 1997-98.
Anwar berkata, terdapat dividen khas sebanyak RM6 bilion yang dibayar kepada kerajaan tahun ini, dan mengapa tidak boleh diambil RM1 bilion untuk mengurangkan harga minyak.
(Source : Malaysiakini)
KUANTAN: The fuel price debate between Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will be aired live on TV9, Astro Awani and Bernama TV.
Ahmad Shabery said he preferred it not to be aired by RTM as this could be seen as him trying to seek popularity.
However, RTM could air the debate live if its director-general wished to, especially because RTM is available throughout the country, he told reporters after the official opening of the new state broadcasting complex here yesterday.
The debate is organised by news portal Agenda Daily and will take place at Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka in Kuala Lumpur at 8.30pm today.
Ahmad Shabery said the debate had to be aired live so that the public would not have the perception that it was being doctored before going on air.
“The debate is to have a clear picture of the government's decisions and policies as well as to correct public perception on the matter,” he said.
He said all this while, the Opposition, and particularly Anwar, had been giving misleading information.
“As Information Minister, it is my responsibility to inform them on what is right,” he added.
Meanwhile, PKR vice-president Azmin Ali said the party was ready for the debate but was not sure if Barisan Nasional was ready.
“In fact, Anwar wants to debate with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi or Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak or both of them, and not the Information Minister.
“We are prepared to go on,” he said at the Parliament lobby yesterday.
Anwar has reportedly promised to reduce fuel prices if the Opposition formed the government.
(Source : The Star)
2. "...what is going on in the world" We know what is happening in the whole world... you shouldn't repeat the same sentence for a thousand times. Thanks.
3. "Personal attacks..." Mentioning about his demonstration in 1974 and blaming him fought against Tun Razak that happen ages ago isn't a personal attack. What do you call it then?
4. "...Semangat 46" Truth hurt isn't it? How many times you mentioned about 1974 issue? Do you want to change the oil price in 1973, 1974 and 1990? You mentioned those years... remember?
5. "...satisfied" Satisfy? Hello... even me, colleagues, friends and family have no idea what were you bragging about last night. No point at all... no figure, no fact... rather than history? No thanks, we could buy a historical book and read okay?
6. "...democracy" Malaysia? Democracy? Is it?
7. "he did not mind a return match with Anwar" Oh please don't... find someone better please? Or there is none?
8. "Datuk Nordin Kardi" Now you know what is IPP?
9. "RM2 bilion" Why not decrease it for 20% if that could bring good to Malaysian?
10. "RM700 juta" 700 millions is not little ministers! Nothing could be done eh?
11. "RM1 bilion daripada dividen khas sebanyak RM6 bilion yang dibayar oleh Petronas kepada kerajaan untuk mengurangkan kadar harga minyak" 6 millions dividend for government and we just need 1 billion to decrease the oil price is too much?
12. "diturunkan sebanyak 50 sen kepada RM2.20 seliter" if government can give 1 billion out of 6 billions the amount of dividend given from Petronas... we could decrease RM0.50. The price of oil will be decrease from RM2.70 to RM2.20.
13. "Menurutnya, pengurangan pembayaran kepada IPP serta keuntungan yang dicatatkan oleh Petronas yang hampir mencecah RM100 juta membolehkan kerajaan memperuntukkan RM3 bilion untuk diagihkan kepada rakyat melalui pengurangan harga minyak." Government should refer back to the IPP agreement... by paying less to IPP could save a lot of money and this could help Malaysian too
14. Shabery pula menjawab kerajaan terpaksa membayar subsidi sebanyak RM50 bilion jika ia mengekalkan harga minyak pada kadar RM1.92 seliter dan akan menjejaskan peruntukan untuk pembangunan yang lain. DSAI said decrease RM0.50 which the price should be RM2.20 not RM1.92 okay? So, why mention RM50 billions?
15. Lagi pula, tambahnya, harga minyak dipengaruhi oleh faktor global. Beliau mengimbau krisis global pada 1973-74 ketika rakyat menyokong tindakan Tun Razak Hussein menubuhkan Petronas, tetapi mendakwa Anwar membantahnya, seperti yang dilakukannya sekarang. Again about 1974? *puke* Are we talking about 1974 or 2008?
16. Menurut Shabery lagi, jika subsidi ditingkatkan, ia akan menguntung orang berada dan juga rakyat asing. Oleh itu, katanya, mengapa tidak wang disalurkan terus kepada rakyat yang memerlukannya. So, now the money really goes to the poor? How? Have you ever think of the poor who lives in rural place and did not use petrol since they don't have any car or motorbike... but they still have to buy rice, flour and other groceries right? Do you think the groceries price won't increase when the oil price rocket up?
17. Finland dan Norway sebagai contoh, tidak memberi subsidi dan mempunyai prestasi ekonomi yang baik Norway? Their salary is 10 time more than us!
18. negara ini tidak boleh dibandingkan dengan Norway yang mempunyai 10 kali ganda pendapatan perkapita daripada Malaysia. I agree DSAI
19. kenaikan mendadak harga minyak telah membebankan golongan miskin dan terpinggir dan meningkatkan lagi beban hidup mereka. I agree with DSAI... Increment RM0.70 on oil price is really too much! Some of my friends even asked me whether my saving depreciate. They said... the saving should increase as time goes by but all in sudden it is otherwise. Why? They don't overspend but all price (remember not only oil price increase when this oil crisis happen) just increase crazily. Now FOMCA make a campaign "Buy Nothing" Day? Kidding eh? Trust me, I don't simply buy thing... I buy after consideration whether the thing is really needed but why I also feel the heat?
20. Petronas mengaut keuntungan besar dan menduduki kumpulan 10 syarikat minyak tertinggi dari segi keuntungannya. Top ten in the world? Where's the money goes?
21. Petronas adalah hak rakyat dan pengurangan 50 sen harga petrol adalah langkah pertama ke arah itu. Malah, katanya, kenaikan harga minyak tidak disokong oleh rakyat, kecuali ahli-ahli parlimen BN sahaja. Yes, we Malaysian never agree... it happen all in sudden without warning.
22. Venezuela dan Iran Shabery... Venezuela and Iran have cheap oil and bad inflation? So, what you want to say here is Malaysia has expensive oil and no inflation? It was 4.8% last time and now it's 8%... remember?
23. kerajaan berjaya menangani krisis makanan, malah menurutnya harga beras di negara ini lebih murah dari di Thailand. Jadi, katanya, tidak perlu mengadakan demonstrasi di jalan - merujuk tindakan pembangkang membantah kenaikan harga minyak Shabery... do you know about rice grade? You want to say rice in Malaysia is better than Thailand? Why bringing up demonstration when we talk about oil?
24. bagi setiap AS$1 kenaikan harga minyak dunia, Malaysia memperolehi RM360 juta. Dan kenaikan kadar inflasi yang tinggi akan memburukkan ekonomi negara RM360 millions? Wow!
25. IPP wujud ketika Anwar dalam kerajaan, dan mendakwa bekas menteri kewangan itu mempertahankan kontrak mereka ketika itu. So? What do you want to say? Are you talking about oil or DSAI? Come on...
26. Anwar menggunakan kaedah Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF) untuk cuba menangani krisis pada 1997-98. Tambahnya, walaupun rakyat dalam kesukaran, tetapi mereka masih cukup untuk makan Oh you want to wait until 80-90% Malaysian live in poverty?
27. mengapa kerajaan memungkiri janji pilihanraya untuk tidak menaikkan harga minyak Yes... why? Who betrays who?
28. Malaysia bukan sebuah negara utama pengeluar minyak dan menurutnya hanya 26 peratus keuntungan Petronas datangnya dari sumber tempatan dan syarikat minyak negara itu menggunakan keuntungannya untuk mencari minyak di luar negara And... you said in the debate oil will vanish in 2015? Lol.
29. Beliau berkata, Tan Sri Ani Arope (pengerusi TNB ketika itu) membantah terhadap EPU (Unit Perancang Ekonomi) dan Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM) berhubung IPP.
Dan sebab itulah beliau meletakkan jawatan, jelas Anwar. Clear enough?
30. IPP mengaut keuntungan berbilion ringgit tetapi Petronas dan TNB menanggung kerugian Then why let IPP taking advantage?
31. Katanya, kebocoran dan kronisme boleh ditangani dan menjimatkan sejumlah RM3 bilion. Malah, kata Anwar lagi, tindakan menaikkan secara mendadak harga minyak sekarang adalah preskripsi IMF. So stop chronism ok?
32. dividen khas sebanyak RM6 bilion yang dibayar kepada kerajaan tahun ini, dan mengapa tidak boleh diambil RM1 bilion untuk mengurangkan harga minyak Why eh.. Pak Lah?
33. “In fact, Anwar wants to debate with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi or Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak or both of them, and not the Information Minister. This make me laugh out loud. Well Pak Lah is the finance minister right? Why sent Information Minister to brag nonsence (no fact and figures)? Or Shabery is better than other finance ministers? ;)
Choir (Gurney Hotel)
Reached there around 8am and we got ready around 8.20am. Dato’ Hasmah reached there around 8.30am. Same songs like we sing at Tabung Haji – 5 songs. After done with the singing, we were seated at the back of the function room. Listened to Dato’ Hasmah speech and watched some of the officers got their award (did I mention about this function was for Investigation Department for all branches in Malaysia?). At 10am the function was over and we ate breakfast. Guess what? There were only 2 tables for the same food – noodle and crispy fried chicken. Imagine… 300 peoples not include the management teams and our choir team (we have 35 members!) and the food was not enough of course! Finished in a blink and some of us didn’t get food at all. No food added by the hotel too! Damn.
We reached office at 12. Time to finish works! *fainted*
Correct Way Of Cooking Noodles

The correct way to cook instant noodles without harming our bodies and health. `Normally, how we cook the instant noodles is to put the noodles into a pot with water, throw in the powder and let it cook for around 3 minutes and then it's ready to eat.
This is the WRONG method of cooking the instant noodles.
By doing this, when we actually boil the ingredients in the powder, normally with MSG, it will change the molecular structures of the MSG causing it to be toxic.
The other thing that you may or may not realize is that, the noodles are coated with wax and it will take around 4 to 5 days for the body to excrete the wax after you have taken the noodles.
CORRECT METHOD : 1. boil the noodles in a pot with water. 2. once the noodles is cooked, take out the noodles, and throw away the water which contains wax. 3. boil another pot of water till boiling and put the noodles into the hot boiling water and then shut the fire. 4. only at this stage when the fire is off, and while the water is very hot, put the ingredient with the powder into the water, to make noodle soup. 5. however, if you need dry noodles, take out the noodles and add the ingredient with the powder and toss it to get dry noodles.
Please share this info and help save a life.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Don't do the 7 actions after you have a meal
* *Don't eat fruits immediately - *Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal .
* *Don't drink tea - *Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest .
* *Don't loosen your belt -* Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked.
* *Don't bathe - *Bathing after meal will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.
* *Don't walk about - *People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.
* * Don't sleep immediately - *The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine. *
Voice Recognition
Child: Hello?
Dad: Hi honey, this is Daddy. Is mommy near the phone?
Child: No daddy, she's upstairs in the room with Uncle Paul.
After a brief pause ....
Dad: But honey, you haven't got an Uncle Paul.
Child: Oh yes, I do. And he's upstairs in the room with mommy right now.
Another brief pause ....
Dad: Uh! Okay then, this is what I want you to do. Put the phone down on the table, run upstairs and knock on the bedroom door and shout to mommy that daddy's car just pulled into the driveway.
Child: Okay daddy, just a minute.
A few minutes later the little girl came back to the phone.
Child: I did it, daddy.
Dad: And what happened honey?
Child: Well, mommy got all scared, jumped out of bed with no clothes on and ran around screaming. Then she tripped over the rug, hit her head on the dresser and now she isn't moving at all.
Dad: Oh my god .. .what about your Uncle Paul?
Child: He jumped out of bed with no clothes on too. He was all scared and jumped out of the back window and into the swimming pool. But I guessed he didin't know that you have let out all the water last week to clean it. He hit the bottom of the pool and I think he's dead.
Long pause ... longer pause ... even longer pause ...
Dad: Swimming pool? Is this 03 - 8888 8888?
Child: No, this is 8888 8880.
Dad: Oops ... sorry, wrong number.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Let’s start with morning. I was late to work actually… left house around 7.10am and I need to punch my card at 7.30am. How much time left? WTF! I drove like I was one of the F1 drivers. Life was my second priority… see… when you work with people/company this is what you need to do – punctuality. Doesn’t matter whether you have solid reason or not! Luckily I could make it on time. Fuhhh…!
I went out for breakfast with my colleague Firdaus. Ok he is the only buddy who comes to office early everyday. Others… they are not in time usually. I felt eating some toast this morning with half boiled egg. Ok to the stall near the Maybank we went… after some talk about work and soccer, our chief clerk (finance) came and join us. Best thing was he paid for our meal too. Yay! I guess it was a good start…
As soon as we finished our breakfast, went back to office. Guess what? Not even got time to put my cute ass on the chair and start my bloody tons of works on my table… the chief clerk (service) (did I mention we have 2 chief clerks which is one for finance and another one for service… finance CC is a male and the other is a female – I don’t like both… period!) told the finance CC that we need to clean up the mess at 10th floor, 11th floor and 8th floor. When I mentioned the mess… it means a lot of tables, chairs and so on! Argh! You see… we have office boy and they are like kings. If lifting tables and chairs are not their job, do you think its bloody clerk’s job? WTF! It wasn’t the first time ok! And I did this kind of work since 2004! Should I say thousand of times? Whatever!
So, from 8am until 10am we busy with clearing and cleaning the mess. Sweats all over… it was not cool you know to sweat like you jog in the morning when you suppose to start your work with good attire and cool environment with not so good air conditioner. Even though I didn’t smell (what are you looking at? I know my body well ok?? Not just deodorant by Nivea but also some CK Eternity on me!) But still it took away my fresh look. Shit!
So I had little time to get everything done! Plus, I had to teach an auntie with her new job. It was not just teaching but spoon-feed session… damn! It was so great and I had to go out for lunch at 12 because at 1pm sharp a bus will come and take us to Gurney Hotel for choir rehearsal. After taught her this and that I went out for lunch. Had a plate of fried noodle with spicy chicken and ice coffee. I wasn’t 100% recover from flu? Hell with that… I was so tired and thirsty ok?? After I finished my lunch, Linda called me up. She couldn’t come back to office and need to stay at the hotel because our big boss flight delayed and wanted me to drive her car to the hotel. Fine with me… not going with bus and drive her car. Took her car from Zaki and went to the hotel. The road was busy… bad traffic as usual. What do you expect at 1pm on the road? Its lunch time!
When I reached there I had to park the car. Yes. Linda did give me coupon for the parking. When I reached at the parking entrance, an old man there asked for RM4 as parking fees. I showed him the coupon and he told me that I can’t use that coupon there but I can use that coupon to claim later at the front desk. So that means I had to pay RM4 anyway! Fine… grrr… I paid him RM4 and drove in angrily. After I parked the car, went to meet Linda and explained to her everything. I took the coupon and also her room key to the front desk to claim back my RM4 (hey I know it’s a peanut to you but to me it’s my money! And it was my right to claim). Guess what? She told me that I can only claim that bloody RM4 when I checked out! WTF??? I told her we rent your function room and some hotel rooms for 300 guests. You know what??? She said “sorry sir, the rule is you claim when you check out… if you come here for a function then you need to pay”. WTF??? Hello! Do you know how much we spent on you bloody hotel? And yet to claim RM4 is like 4 million dollar to you??? Want to know which hotel did this? GURNEY HOTEL. I won’t recommend this hotel to you for sure!
Make the matter worse, we didn’t even get tea or snack when we were there. We were like “workers” there without hospitality. They need our voice and other than that, who cares? WTF??? It was so much better rehearsal at Tabung Haji ok! Shit head management! Let me explain to you… I wouldn’t care much about the food. What I care is how much they appreciate us… we are human too! It was not a bad idea at all… some banana fritters bought at the stall at the roadside!
After done with choir we went back by bus. Again the road was stuck with many cars. I didn’t give a damn as I could rest in the best and enjoy the air conditioner. We reached office around 4.15pm. I worked on some medical bills until 4.30pm and I won’t wait any longer… punched my card and went home.
When I reached at the parking I found out my car got some bird waste! WTF!!! Argh…!!! Do you realize that bird loves to shit on a silver car? Go and do your research. What a bad day for me!!! I didn’t get any Monday’s blues yes but it was such a bad day for me!
The only thing that made me smile is this :

I called it Pet Nga... it's actually a coconut pancake which you eat with dhal soup. Add some green pepper and onion. Not to forget some pepper powder! Dinner was superb!
Tuesday please come!!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Man Utd interested in Berbatov

Manchester United have "expressed an interest" in signing Dimitar Berbatov, according to the Tottenham striker's agent.
The Bulgaria star's future has been the subject of speculation for some time, with United strongly linked with a move for the 27-year-old during the January transfer window.
There were reports on Saturday that they had made a £20million bid for Berbatov and agent Emil Danchev has revealed United are monitoring the player.
"I can tell with certainty that Manchester United have expressed an interest in Berbatov. I cannot comment on the issue further," Danchev told Bulgaria's Darik Radio.
(Source : Football Planet)
Welcome Berbatov! ;)
By the way, do you realize that I did not post about Euro2008 final? I was heartbroken. I wish I could watch Portugal in final... but... :(
I got my jersey after Portugal defeated by Germany in semi :(
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Choir (Tabung Haji)
We handled an event at Tabung Haji Complex – Pidato Hasil (final stage among schools in Penang including mainland). There were 4 schools from island and 6 schools from mainland. Very talented I’d say…
Instead of Pidato Hasil, we had 3 shows which were choir from Inland Revenue Board, choral speaking and traditional Malay dance by Convent Green Lane School.
We went to Tabung Haji on Monday for rehearsal around 2pm. The rehearsal finished at 5pm. The rehearsal sucks I’d say…
On Tuesday, we went there by bus. Waited at the lobby at 7.30am and guess what? The bus reached at 8.15am with a reason “I thought I should fetch you guys in front of the school”. What the hell fetching us in front of the school? Felt like slapping that bloody driver. Lucky, I’m a patient guy ;)
When we reached there we were so hungry. Yes, 7.30am at the lobby… what do you expect? No breakfast of course! Argh! After singing Negaraku and waited for our turn again at 12, we went to the café for our breakfast. I had toast with butter and marmalade. I wish they had half boiled egg. Nevermind…
Around 10am we had tea break. They served Bihun Putih (to those who don’t understand Malay at all it means white thin noodle… ring a bell?) with coffee. I ate just a little bit. The coffee was yummy.
At 12, it was our turn. While preparing ourselves behind the building, I saw a durian tree. So many fruits on it… and the tree wasn’t tall at all. You just could pluck them all (I’m 180cm tall) just that you can’t pluck durian like that; you have to wait until the fruit drop on the ground. Oh by the way, the teachers praise us and that made our director so proud. Even though, the rehearsal sucks but this time it was great I’d say ;)
When the event finished, we had lunch there. The lunch was so delicious. They served Nasi Bryani with spicy “sambal” prawn, soy sauce chicken and I got my favorite part which is drumstick, some vegetable, fruits and syrup. Yummy!
After lunch, it was photo shoot session with the directors and others. Went back around 2pm and reached office at 2.30pm. Couldn’t do any work… the aircond in the bus was terrible and my head was spinning! Still I checked some housing loans on my table and drove home at 4.30pm.
I won’t be in the office until Friday. Have 2 days course at IRB, Bukit Mertajam… SAGA Century.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
This book is a must to those who want to retire soon, those who want to have financial freedom, those who want to start a business and those who want to involve with real estate. I know, I bought this book long time ago but managed to finish it months after. Not that I'm lazy or a slow reader, but my schedule did not help. Killed all my times, but as long as I read them and understand all the content it does not matter how long I took to finish it. Remember the quote of the day I put on the right side of this blog?
"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them" -Mark Twain-So, what are you waiting for? Go and get plethora of books to read. Ehem, not only love-books okay?
There are some good quotes in this book and those attract my attention are :
"The first and best victory is to conquer self" -Plato-
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
"Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to focus" -Alexander Graham Bells
"You cannot learn to swim from a text book; You cannot learn business from a text book" -Robert T. Kiyosaki-
"If you are in business you need to learn how to sell" -Robert T. Kiyosaki-
In this book you will learn a lot of thing from Robert T. Kiyosaki and Donald J. Trump. It is based on both experience from the beginning until they are rich. This include what they learned from their father, mother, school, sport, business and philosophies. Comparing both authors I'd say Robert Kiyosaki still the best. I asked 3 of my friends who love finance and these are the comments about Trump :
Engineer : If he has no finance education and a dumb, even if he got billions of money the money will fly away. But he managed to use the money to make more money and become richer.
Doctor : I hate him!
Businessman : He is a liar. He started his business by selling rotten bonds. I just hate him!
No matter who he is, we just need to learn the good things from him instead of cursing him.
Same like Azizi Ali, both of them choose real estate as the best investment. I'm happy that I have started even though I'm still new and not yet succeed. Please do not ask me about the countable house that I own.
Do you know :
The defination of rich is you earn 1 million in a year and poor is you do not have 100k cash to invest.
This is a good way to remind me that I'm so poor and I must work hard! Work in this context does not mean I have to work overtime and so on but work here means I have to be creative and know how to make money from the salary I get every month.
"Laziness is the assasin of genius" -Robert T. Kiyosaki-
If you read Rich Dad, Poor Dad you should know about the quadrants. Actually I'm in the E and S and struggling hard to be in B and I. I know if I keep my mindset right, I will be in B and I soon.
There are two kinds of people in the world. There are those who seek security and those who seek freedom.
I need to get back on the track and stay focus. I'm abit out of the track and blinded with some problems I'm facing lately. Focus!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Yes it happen every time we have heavy rain. There is a big water tank in the army quarters (sorry did not get the chance to snap the tank because it is still raining here) and they will drain out the water in the tank if there is heavy rain here. No idea why they did so since 19 years ago. I guess this time should be the last time cleaning up this mess. We will call and write a letter for black and white proof to the army and others department involve with the drain.
As early as 6am I had to do some "morning exercise". Dad called me to have a look outside. It was still raining lightly. I was shock and speechless. Dad needed some help to clean some junks at the gate. Guess what? It was as tall as half of the gate! I knew, I was going to be late to work. After took like 20 minutes cleaning them which I did it carefully. Last time snake and monitor lizard from the army bush behind my house were in the garage! Not to mention some leech too! So, it was dark and I could not see a thing. Better be careful than regret it later. I knew dad was late but I won't harm myself too. After I've done with the junks at the gate, I went in with big sigh.
Look at the clock, it was 7am. Yes, it was late for me to get ready and go to work. Walked slowly to the kitchen to see how bad it was. Yes! As expected it was really bad. The mud from outside went in. If Michael Jackson could sing Blood on The Dance Floor, I could sing Mud on The Kitchen Floor! Look at the floor I murmured to myself "Lucky dad!". Now left me, the only guy in the house. Who else is going to do this cleaning junks and mud? I do not want to see mom to do it. My younger sister is not well, she has a sprain ankle. Oh yes, I remember... I have my youngest sister! But that does not sound any better still.
I want to keep as many leave as I could actually. So, taking leave today does not fancy me at all. A frown on my face, took my cell phone and called the boss told him what had happen. Told some friends too and some of them even laughed. They thought I gave stupid reason for not going to work. Damn. I could send MMS to them but they are not using fancy cell phone which could accept MMS. So, shut up!
Enjoy the pictures... (the pictures were taken when there was sun outside, I tried to snap picture before cleaning the junks at the gate, before my dad drove the car out which you would see how tall the junk was! but it was too dark... sorry)
I have eaten my breakfast -- wholegrain fibremeal toast with butter and I poured some sugar on it plus a cup of coffee. It's time for cleaning up the mess.
Till later.
Tamparuli Bridge (Tuaran, Sabah)
Tamparuli is a small town and a sub-district of Tuaran on the west coast of Sabah, Malaysia. It is populated mainly by native Dusuns, while ...

I've been tagged by foongpc . Here are the rules: 1. List these rules on your blog. 2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog. 3. T...
Tamparuli is a small town and a sub-district of Tuaran on the west coast of Sabah, Malaysia. It is populated mainly by native Dusuns, while ...
James Bond actor Daniel Craig has had cosmetic surgery after being injured on the set of the latest Bond movie, he revealed in a new magazi...