The Spirit of BEAR-iuca
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a powerful Genie Princess named Mariuca who was known throughout the land as the friendliest, most popular blogger in the blogosphere kingdom. Adored and admired by international visitors and commentators from around the world, the Genie Princess travels the blogosphere on her magical flying carpet, always looking for ways to share her good fortune with others.
Over the past two years of blogging, Mariuca has met so many new people, from all walks of life and all over the world, each one bringing a little of their culture and lifestyle when they visit and comment on Mariuca’s two sites. So on her 2nd Blog Anniversary, Mariuca wanted to celebrate with all of her international blogosphere buddies by hosting a bear-naming contests at Wishing On A Falling Star and Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery and to pass her two lucky, cuddly teddy bears along to the winners who came up with the best names.
On the opposite side of the world, from the moment Roxy (the prolific Roxiticus Desperate Housewives blogger) and her sweet daughters London and Maddie saw the teddy in his personalized t-shirt and blue muffler at Wishing On A Falling Star, they knew that he needed to come to live with their family in Mendham, NJ. The three New Jersey girls named him immediately and burst into a wonderful song for BEAR-iuca:
Mariuca received 16 possible names for the Mariuca Teddy Bear, making it hard for the Genie Princess to choose just one…then Alakazam! A bolt of lightning delivered the perfect way to share BEAR-iuca’s good fortune to bloggers around the globe. While the soft, stuffed, cuddly BEAR-iuca is on his way to live with Roxy, London, Maddie and Rex in the Roxiticus Valley, the Spirit of BEAR-iuca is racing through the blogosphere to bring happiness, holiday cheer, and beary best wishes to everyone who welcomes him into their online home and passes along the BEAR-iuca good luck charm to ten friends.
Please play along with us by following a few important rules:
1. Add your site(s) to the list once you have received the Spirit of BEAR-iuca badge of teddy bear cheer.
2. Pass along the Spirit of BEAR-iuca and his cheery badge to as many people as you like.
3. Leave a comment HERE once you’ve passed on the Spirit of BEAR-iuca.
4. Once Roxy and the Genie Princess have visited your site to make sure your links are complete and proper, you will then be added to the Master List.
4. To ensure everyone receives equal link benefit, please UPDATE your list regularly!
1. Mariuca 2. Roxiticus Desperate Housewives 3. Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery 4. Roxy’s Best Of... 5. Bay Head Blog 6. Roxiticus Best Blogs 7. Emila's Illustrated Blog 8. Metz - Empty Streets 9. The Spirit of Blogging 10. Speedcat Hollydale Page 11. Snapshot 12. purplefrogcat 13. Turn-u-Off 14. Simple Life 15. A Little Girl Talk 16. Life in the Lapadula House 17. Spicybugz World 18. The Mom With Brownies 19. Our High School Homeschool 20. Our Five Dangerous Boys 21. The Big Dog 22. Life is too short to be ordinary 23. YOU ARE NEXT!
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a powerful Genie Princess named Mariuca who was known throughout the land as the friendliest, most popular blogger in the blogosphere kingdom. Adored and admired by international visitors and commentators from around the world, the Genie Princess travels the blogosphere on her magical flying carpet, always looking for ways to share her good fortune with others.
Over the past two years of blogging, Mariuca has met so many new people, from all walks of life and all over the world, each one bringing a little of their culture and lifestyle when they visit and comment on Mariuca’s two sites. So on her 2nd Blog Anniversary, Mariuca wanted to celebrate with all of her international blogosphere buddies by hosting a bear-naming contests at Wishing On A Falling Star and Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery and to pass her two lucky, cuddly teddy bears along to the winners who came up with the best names.
On the opposite side of the world, from the moment Roxy (the prolific Roxiticus Desperate Housewives blogger) and her sweet daughters London and Maddie saw the teddy in his personalized t-shirt and blue muffler at Wishing On A Falling Star, they knew that he needed to come to live with their family in Mendham, NJ. The three New Jersey girls named him immediately and burst into a wonderful song for BEAR-iuca:
BEAR-iuca, BEAR-iuca, amazing teddy cheer.
BEAR-iuca, BEAR-iuca, we’d love you to come live here!
BEAR-iuca, BEAR-iuca, we’d love you to come live here!
Mariuca received 16 possible names for the Mariuca Teddy Bear, making it hard for the Genie Princess to choose just one…then Alakazam! A bolt of lightning delivered the perfect way to share BEAR-iuca’s good fortune to bloggers around the globe. While the soft, stuffed, cuddly BEAR-iuca is on his way to live with Roxy, London, Maddie and Rex in the Roxiticus Valley, the Spirit of BEAR-iuca is racing through the blogosphere to bring happiness, holiday cheer, and beary best wishes to everyone who welcomes him into their online home and passes along the BEAR-iuca good luck charm to ten friends.
Please play along with us by following a few important rules:
1. Add your site(s) to the list once you have received the Spirit of BEAR-iuca badge of teddy bear cheer.
2. Pass along the Spirit of BEAR-iuca and his cheery badge to as many people as you like.
3. Leave a comment HERE once you’ve passed on the Spirit of BEAR-iuca.
4. Once Roxy and the Genie Princess have visited your site to make sure your links are complete and proper, you will then be added to the Master List.
4. To ensure everyone receives equal link benefit, please UPDATE your list regularly!
1. Mariuca 2. Roxiticus Desperate Housewives 3. Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery 4. Roxy’s Best Of... 5. Bay Head Blog 6. Roxiticus Best Blogs 7. Emila's Illustrated Blog 8. Metz - Empty Streets 9. The Spirit of Blogging 10. Speedcat Hollydale Page 11. Snapshot 12. purplefrogcat 13. Turn-u-Off 14. Simple Life 15. A Little Girl Talk 16. Life in the Lapadula House 17. Spicybugz World 18. The Mom With Brownies 19. Our High School Homeschool 20. Our Five Dangerous Boys 21. The Big Dog 22. Life is too short to be ordinary 23. YOU ARE NEXT!
Lets join the meme and get to know more blogger friends around the world ;)
Thanks, my friend! GOD BLESS!
ReplyDeleteFantastic posting. Pretty card!
Have a nice week!
Hola Faisal! Thank you bear-y much for welcoming BEAR-iuca into your lovely home. We hope he will bring lotsa luck and love into your home!
ReplyDeleteYour site has been listed at number 24 on the Master List. Don’t forget to update your list accordingly and have a BEAR-y special day! :)
wow join bear bear spirit community ...
ReplyDeletelist me too ...
passs my blog around the world too ...
ala cutenyaaaa
ReplyDeleteDavid - God bless you too and I will support the campaign :)
ReplyDeleteMariuca - My pleasure Mariuca :) I hope I will get to know more people around the world!
Razifembi - Join the meme and let us get more friends from around the world ;)
Wahidah - Sila join ;)
ReplyDeleteala cutenya
Crazy - Bear ke saya yang cute? Haha!
ReplyDeleteSaya = suker!
Porcelain doll - Dear, please buat ye meme ni ;)
ReplyDeletegood morning Dear!
ReplyDeletewahhh! you up so early!!!
i can never get up this early. the only way to go for early meeting is not to sleep at all! hhahahaaa...
terukkan? but i've tried... kenot la. not without my sleeping pills =(
this meme, yse! yes! yes!
i will, i will =)
Porcelain doll - Oh dear you can do it I know. Just that you need a little practice *wink*.
ReplyDeleteIt is like a baby learning how to walk. It is not easy but we can make it in the end :)
hik hik *wink*
ReplyDeletemalas la kot!
Porcelain doll - Betul ke malas? Tengok drive sana sini... rajin tuh :P Hmm my best friend all in sudden tak reply sms. Nak ajak gi shopping jap haha! It is boring to shop alone.
ReplyDeletedrive = tersangat sangat suker! one of my treatment too! i find driving can be very relaxing, can sing my lungs out and one of the best way to release all anger and frustration too! plus i do a lot of thinking while driving... but nak bangun pagi, hadoi yai...
ReplyDeleteshopping alone? hmmmm... for me, it's ok. just that bila ada kawan, terkawal la sikit perbelanjaan tu. if not, i will buy all! huish...
Hehe. Drive ok kalau tak jam. Kalau jam... I lah orang paling tension dalam dunia. Haha. I rather cari jalan jauh yang tak jam!
ReplyDeleteFirst shopping never be my therapy and second jalan sorang-sorang memang boring haha.
Setuju! but then again, kalau jam pon ok... boleh tengok and gelakkan dalam hati muka orang keliling. yang panik, yang marah, yang tension... eh, samalah... i pon prefer ikut jalan jauh yang ada tol pun atkpe asalkan smooth. my friend selalu kata i kerja dengan touch n go and even ada yang kata i dapat komisyen bayar tol! hahhahahaaa...
ReplyDeletehmmm, shopping... masing masing lah kan? *wink*
jalan sorang sorang for guys memang la tak best cuz takde member nak sakat gadis lalu! *buek*
haha i memang tak suka drive. kalau ada gf yang sanggup drive best la sangat kan :) leh relax je dalam kereta.
ReplyDeleteerk, takde la sampai nak ngorat beramai-ramai. murah sangat style budak sekolah tu :)
ahakz! that's what happened between me and my partner. some ok but some rasa tak besh! tak gentlemen konon! alahai... even if long distance but then again among friends, i will volunteer to drive for any trips. jangan cakap la kalau gi clubbing, i memang da diberi tanggungjawab sepanjang hayat, designated driver cuz i don't drink. kena lah selamatkan kengkawan *tee hee*
ReplyDeletetak kata pon nak ngorat reramai tapi itu la motif utama jalan ngan kengkawan kan? hohohohooo...
owh. hehe pandu cermat jiwa selamat? so kalau you datang penang leh la you drive and i give direction kan? hehe :P
ReplyDeletemotif? takde la. at least lepas shopping leh lepak starbucks sembang-sembang kan. taklah boring sangat. betol tak? ;)
err, pandu tak cermat pon, jiwa selamat gak! boleh aja... janji jangan last minit suruh masuk simpang suda! i cubit nanti!
ReplyDeletebetolllllllllll! *macam iklan susu tu* hmmm.. i prefer Coffee Bean tho! hehehhheeee...
hehe. i selalu akan kasi tahu awal simpang mana nak masuk :P
ReplyDeletecoffee bean punya latte yummy! hehe. ingat lagi ari tu gaduh dengan sorang tu pasal benda bodoh jek keke. i nak ice blended dia order ice mocha. i cakap tak sama dia cakap same thing. bila dah sampai i suruh dia yang minum... tapi dia pula yang merajuk haha! last² i yang minum gak.
very good! ingat tau, kalau tak i cubit kekuat nanti!
ReplyDeletelaa, you yang kena minum jugak? but i pun selalu guna taktik tu! hahahhaha.. memang confirmed berjaya! hahahhahaaa...
i don't drink coffee, ice or carbonated. so, ice blended, ice mocha sounds like an alien to me. if you like hot drinks, you should try "Tropical Passion Latte" i can have 2 or 3 Large per day! thanks to my friend who works as a District manager in CBTL for introducing this to me. She patiently recommend one by one drinks to me till i found and decided that i love this! http://porcelaindollephemeris.blogspot.com/2008/01/email-2008.html
by the way, if Starbucks... try "Chamomile tea (R) with 3 shots of Vanilla Syrup". it's yummmmssss! both drinks have a very good smell. the after taste is awesome!
alaa... kena singgah beli ni before shoot to Melaka ni kejap lagi.
hehe i will try them for sure. i read at one of the fellow blogger's blog and saw the green coffee at starbucks. really tempting and for sure i wanna try that!
ReplyDeletei will let you know whether i like them or not okay? :)
hehe gi melaka jangan lupa makan asam pedas melaka. pergh sedap giler! hehe.
Alamak! I still have to get this one done! Dah ramai tag me! Hehehe
ReplyDeletecome on rosie. just get it done asap :P
ReplyDeletegreen coffee? yucks!
ReplyDeletelast time CBTL also have mud slide something... that one sounds yukes too! and yes, plaese try and tell me what do you think? *wink*
lupa makan assam pedas?! are you mad? thats my fav dish! daging assam pedas! *slurp* mom siap tapaukan tadi for me and bro. yayy!
hehe i love asam pedas melaka and johor. both are yummy! :)
ReplyDelete26-30 will be in muar... just can't wait to eat one of the best at pelangi hotel :P