Saturday, September 12, 2009

moon cake

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Anyone here likes moon cake? Well, I ate this few days ago. It has 4 flavours (4 pieces of course in one box) and cost around RM11.70 a piece. Can you believe that?

Most important thing is they are so yummy!


  1. adlie6:33 PM

    yes .. i like it too, my sister can baked it....

  2. adlie - your sis? omg. how to make it?

  3. Did you taste the ones with the eggs in the middle? Rather an unusual cake.

  4. Anonymous9:45 PM

    tak pernah rasa pun kek ni.

    selalunya jual kat mana erk untuk yg halal?

    giant ada x? hehe

  5. suituapui10:07 PM

    I'm NOT buying any... They're just too expensive. Can use the money to go and eat a lot of nicer things!

  6. Anonymous11:02 PM


  7. hej! faisal...the mooncake festival is in october and i will eat a lot of the mooncake...i love mooncake and already ate one and there are another 7 pieces from Tai Thong and will buy some more to bring back to UK...heeyaaa...;-)

  8. Anonymous11:13 PM

    I like mooncake but i cant eat a lot, dunno why. Hehe.

  9. how does it taste actually??

    i mean it;s yummy(you said dat) but specific please..

    never try one..

  10. Kek Bulan?..Sedap ek?..Rasanya camana?..Sama tak dengan kuih bakul?.

  11. Did u taste d ones wif d durian in td middle? very yummy....1 of my malay fren gv it 2 me...i like it!

  12. i luv mooncake also..yummy..hehehe

  13. I love mooncake too Bro...but haven't got mine yet! I wanted to try Starbuck's mooncake...but that would cost a bomb!:)

  14. I love mooncake!

  15. I love mooncakes but used to like them more last time. Now still like but don't really crave for it.

    I prefer those snow skin mooncakes. Guess I'm getting bored with the normal ones : )

  16. I try not to buy and just hope to get them as gifts. Cos they are definitely overpriced! Imagine some people making mooncakes and sell and can survive the whole year without doing anything else!

    The profit margin is so high! I think one normal mooncake costs less than RM2 and they sell it for what, RM10? RM8 profit for each mooncake!

  17. faisal, maybe you should start going into the mooncake biz. Haha! Just work hard for 2 months in a year. The rest of the year can go traveling round the world! : )

  18. hmm.... nak buat susah gak aku tgk adk aku buat.... yg aku tau bahan2 dia...tepung pelbagai guna, susu rendah lemak, baking power, garam \, telur, kuning telur, gula solod shortening. hmm yg aku tau kene uli buat dough dia.... pastu simpan dlm peti sejuk lebih kurang 1 jam n pastu buat bulat2 ikut saiz yg kite suka n tebuk lubang kat tgh2 n bubuh jem yg dah buat awal td.. pastu br leh bakar n makan.... tu yg aku tau.... dulu aku pun pernah buat gak tp x sebaik adk aku buat....

  19. nyum2...

    sedapnya..tapi mahal..

    saya sbg studemt blom mmpu nak beli lagi.

  20. ocean - you mean the salted egg ar? only the egg yolk right? i loike! :D

    kcy - sekarang ni yang halal banyak. dekat giant ada tapi tak sure pula sedap ke tak :)

  21. stp - it's very cultural thingy. i don't want to miss it :D

    ary - nyum? dah makan ke? :P

  22. danial ma - haha those flavors are good right? :D

    iesha - muak ke?

  23. I happen to be a fan...

  24. axim - taste like moon cake? lol. it's sweet and creamy?

    ad - kuih bakul lain :) kuih bakul keras sikit kan, ni lembut je.

  25. dalia - har? durian? never try before :D

    wahidah - which flavor?

  26. tekkaus - friend told me got haagen dazs moon cake. have you tried? :D

    cahaya - me too! :D

  27. foong - snow skin? er, elaborate?

    foong - har? then what are they doing? vacation? :D

  28. haha... I've been stuffing myself with lots lots lots of mooncake lately.. :p I bought Amway's one. It's halal. Hehe...

  29. foong - haha. keyi. but you must teach me! :D

    adlie - buat biz la beb! sure untung besar!

  30. teja - haha buat sendiri lar :P murah dan best!

    - oh, try this brand witch. veli good! :D

  31. terra - haha we are on the same ship then!

  32. Snow skin mooncakes are those made from koh flour. Read about it here

  33. Everyday lepak or go vacation lah, then during the two months before Mooncake Festival, sell mooncakes! : )

  34. foong - omg the picture is so tempting! the taste is slightly different?

    foong - wah! i want. come be my biz partner :P

  35. hahaha...nnti2 la....kuih kita pun tak pandai nak wat..nak g wat kuih org len lak kan...

  36. I never like moon cake.. or maybe I've been tasting the one yg tak berapa sedap kot? lol

  37. teja - haha kuih kita tu kuih apa? :P

    adila - haha you should try this one!

  38. yum! where's my share? :P

  39. ladyviral - "if you want it, come and claim it" sounds like arwen in LOTR? hehe.

  40. someone just gave me starbucks's mooncake. is starbucks mooncake halal?

  41. ana - don't worry. all starbucks item are halal :)


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