Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ricky Martin is GAY


Click here to read about this hot news.

I dare not to copy and paste the article here because of this: “Copyright 2010 by NBC. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.”.

Actually, they shouldn’t do this. By copy, post and give them credit, don’t you think it’s a good way to promote their website. Sigh.

Tiger Wood and his porn star mistress?


“Slap your face. Treat you like a dirty little wh**e. Put my c**k in you’re a** and then shove it down your throat” – Hide the children; Tiger Woods’ very, very disturbing text messages to his porn star mistress, Joslyn James, leaked and got posted onto the web last week.

(Source: MSN)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Bapa Pukul Anak Kerana Anak Nak Pakai Tudung!!!

Siapa nampak cara aku mengeliat. Mahu jatuh saham aku huhu.

Tiba tiba aku teringat kisah semalam. Airmata terus berlinang. Terasa amat sayu dan sedih. Salah ke kalau aku nak pakai tudung? Naper abah tak benarkan? Buat pengetahuan korang, bapak aku ni jenis orang yang sibuk giler. Businessman yang sentiasa sibuk. Mak aku dah takder. Meninggal dunia lama dah. Sedih sangat sangat.

Dari jendela, kelihatan cahaya matahari mula menjeluskan diri ke celah-celah langsir tingkap. Jam dah 11:00 pagi. Perut lapar. Aku bangun capai tuala, masuk bilek mandi.

Lepas mandi, aku belek belek tubuhku pada cermin. Alangkah lebih cantik kalau aku bertudung. Aku nekad! Aku akan protes habis habisan kalau bapa aku tak nak juga bagi pakai tudung. Aku sanggup lari dari rumah. Demi kebaikan yang aku pilih. Lantak la dengan ahli keluarga aku yang lain lain. Semuanya tak nak pakai tudung! Tapi aku nak!!!!

Aku turun ke bawah. Baru jea nak buka tudung saji atas meja, terdengar bunyi kereta masuk garaj. Aku jenguk melalui tingkap dan nampak bapa aku balik. Aikkkk, apahal bapa balik awal ni???

Dalam masa yang sama, aku rasa inilah masa yang terbaik untuk desak bapa aku benarkan aku pakai tudung. Now or never!

Bila bapa aku buka jea pintu, aku bersalam dengannya dan tanpa lengahkan masa, aku kata, ""Daddy, cheq nak pakai tudung. Cheq nak!"

Bapak aku terus jegil sebesar besarnya. Macam ada api keluar! Pangggggggggggggggg ggg. Bapa aku hayun penampar ke muka aku! Tersepok aku di celah set sofa.

"Aduhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhh....sampai hati daddy! Cheq tau la daddy rasa malu kalau cheq pakai tudung. Salah ke kalau cheq nak tutup aurat cheq? Kalau adik dan abg tak nak...."

Pangggggggggggggggg gggg....! labuh pelempang ke muka aku sekali lagi sebelum aku abis bercakap.

"Hang jangan nak bagi aku malu naaaa! Hang jangan nak buat pasai! Hang nak pakai tudung buat apa??? Dah 100 kali aku habaq, LELAKI TAK PAYAH PAKAI TUDUNG, LELAKI TAK PAYAH PAKAI TUDUNG!!! Tu la, bila time kelas agama, hang ponteng! Nama hang aku boh "Razali", tup tup lekat jadi AZA sahaja! Memang la dalam rumah ni semuanya tak bertudung sebab adik hang tu lelaki! Abang hang pun lelaki jugak!".

Aku yang tersepuk celah sofa, terus menangis terkedu kedu. Dah la sakit kena tampar, kena pelempang. Tudung pun tak dapat jugak.


P/s: Aku dapat dari email pagi tadi. Thanks to Nurul :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tulang rusuk.

WANITA: Siapa yang paling kamu cintai di dunia ini?
LELAKI: Kamu!!!

WANITA: Menurut kamu, saya ini siapa?

LELAKI: (Berfikir sejenak, lalu menatap WANITA dengan pasti).
Kamu, tulang rusukku!

Kerana Allah melihat bahawa Adam kesepian. Saat Adam sedang lena tidur, Allah mengambil rusuk Adam dan menciptakan Hawa. Semua LELAKI mencari tulang rusuknya yang hilang dan saat menemukan wanita untuknya, tidak lagi merasakan sakit di hatinya…

Setelah berkahwin, pasangan itu mengalami masa yang indah dan manis untuk sementara. Setelah itu, pasangan muda ini mulai tenggelam dalam kesibukan masing-masing dan kelelahan hidup yang ada. Hidup mereka menjadi membosankan.

Kenyataan hidup yang kejam membuat mereka mulai menyisihkan impian dan cinta satu sama lain. Mereka mulai bertengkar dan pertengkaran itu mulai menjadi semakin panas. Pada suatu hari pada akhir sebuah pertengkaran WANITA lari keluar rumah.

Saat tiba di seberang jalan, dia berteriak “Kamu tidak cintakan saya lagi!!!”. LELAKI sangat membenci ketidakdewasaan WANITA dan secara spontan juga berteriak “Saya menyesali perkahwinan ini! Kamu ternyata bukan tulang rusukku!!!”

Tiba-tiba WANITA terdiam, dan berdiri kaku untuk beberapa saat. LELAKI menyesali akan apa yang sudah dia lafazkan, tetapi seperti air yang telah tertumpah tidak mungkin untuk diceduk kembali. Dengan berlinang air mata, WANITA kembali ke rumah dan mengambil barang-barangnya, bertekad untuk berpisah.

“Kalau saya bukan tulang rusukmu, biarkan saya pergi. Biarkan kita berpisah dan mencari pasangan sejati masing-masing”.

Lima tahun berlalu. LELAKI masih belum lagi berkahwin, tetapi berusaha mencari khabar akan kehidupan WANITA. WANITA pernah ke luar negeri tetapi sudah kembali. Dia pernah berkahwin dengan seorang asing dan bercerai. LELAKI agak kecewa bila mengetahui WANITA tidak menunggu, sepertinya.

Dan di tengah malam yang sunyi, dia meminum kopinya dan merasakan sakit di hatinya. Tetapi LELAKI tidak sanggup mengakui bahawa dia merindukan WANITA.

Suatu hari, mereka akhirnya bertemu kembali. Di airport, tempat di mana banyak terjadi pertemuan dan perpisahan, mereka dipisahkan hanya oleh sebuah dinding pembatas.

LELAKI: Apa khabar?

WANITA: Baik… kamu sudah menemui tulang rusukmu yang hilang?

LELAKI: Belum.

WANITA: Saya akan terbang ke New York dengan penerbangan berikut. Saya akan kembali 2 minggu lagi. Telefon saya kalau kamu berkesempatan. Kamu tahu nombor telepon saya kan? Tidak ada yang berubah.

WANITA tersenyum manis, berlalu di hujung lafaz “Selamat tinggal…”

Satu minggu kemudian, LELAKI menerima khabar WANITA adalah salah seorang korban Menara WTC. Malam itu, sekali lagi, LELAKI meneguk kopinya dan kembali merasakan sakit dihatinya. Akhirnya dia sedar bahawa sakit itu adalah kerana WANITA, tulang rusuknya sendiri yang telah dengan bodohnya dia patahkan sendiri.....


P/s: Read this from my friend’s blog –- Norjan.

Friday, March 26, 2010

TNB to sue WWF over Earth Hour


KUALA LUMPUR — Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Malaysia’s premier energy provider today announced that they were taking legal action against the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) for organising the Earth Hour, a global movement that makes a stand against climate change by turning off all non-essential lights and electrical equipment for an hour every year.

In a Press conference, TNB president and CEO Dato’ Sri Che Khalib Mohd Noh said that the annual worldwide symbolic gesture, which this year would be observed this Saturday at 8.30pm, is nothing more than an ‘arrogant and thoughtless viral movement’ aimed to hurt power companies such as TNB.


CHE KHALIB: These people are inconsiderate

“Obviously these green-minded fellows think they’re really cute, organising such an irresponsible campaign,” said Che Khalib angrily. “They say ‘turn off your lights for an hour’ and people do. I bet that really makes them feel all powerful.

“What these western colonialists fail to grasp is how such drastic action affects the poor companies like us. One hour of unused electricity means an hour of wastage for TNB. Did you know that last year’s Earth Hour costed us millions in unrealised revenue?” asked Che Khalib, seething.

“How do you think that affected our production? We couldn’t exactly turn off our power plants just because a large number of Malaysians turn off their lights at the same time. So imagine all that wasted energy.

“This year, we expect even more people to fall for this global con-job,” added Che Khalib. “So there’ll be more lights turned off. KL alone would be engulfed in darkness. Yes, sure, it may seem fun to some, running around in complete darkness. But that also means TNB would get less money. Tell me, what am I supposed to say to the kids of this electrical technician when we can’t give bonus this year?” asked Che Khalib, as he pointed to a TNB staff manning the lights for the Press conference.

He added, “In light of such inconsiderate actions by these tree huggers, TNB has no choice but to take legal action against the Earth Hour organisers, WWF. We’ll wait for our accountants to come back with the loss figure after this year’s Earth Hour, and we plan to sue them for that same amount. We may even add a hundred million ringgit or so, to teach them a lesson.”

Che Khalib also reminded Malaysians to ignore the Earth Hour, calling it a ‘cultural invasion, a concerted assault by extreme liberal forces aimed to destabilise poorer nations’.

“We are Malaysians, and we should be proud of our lights. Every night we should go out and see the beautiful sparkling lights in our city skylines. Don’t be ashamed of the lights,” said Che Khalib, as he unveiled a set of pictures showing the Petronas Twin Towers and the surrounding buildings consequently going dark during last year’s Earth Hour.


DARK TIMES: KLCC buildings going dark last year

“See this? See how ugly, gloomy and dark the last picture is? God knows how many people tripped over things and hurt themselves in the complete darkness, not to mention the number of bad people going around doing naughty things, knowing the authorities could not see them.

“Let’s reverse the order of these pictures this year, and fight for the rights to our lights,” continued Che Khalib. “Let’s unite as 1Malaysia, and tell these green terrorists that we will not go dark! We will not switch off! Let’s tell them that we love our lights!

“POWERRR… EXTREME!” he screamed, as powerful clusters of foglamps flooded the conference room with ultra-bright and hot light, temporarily blinding everyone present, and signalling the end of the Press conference.


P/s: Got this via email. True?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010



have you watched this movie? yes, i know it’s pretty old and i’m outdated, i know that too :)

few days ago, i watched this award winning movie (same as slumdog millionaire that i’ve watched last month). at first it was a bit boring as it was more like a documentary instead of a movie. then, the story got better and better until you do not want to leave the computer for your tummy’s sake (i mean snacks… what else?).

Harvey Milk is a very strong person. he is gay. so, he is fighting for the gay right in USA. he never give up and determine, even though he had been threatened few times. he knew what he wants and he planned it properly.

it was a heart breaking moment when his lover –- scott, left him and let him struggle fighting alone. well, i know… it’s pretty hard for scott to stay too since Milk had no time to spend with him at all.

then, came jack to Milk’s life. but something happened and started from there, the movie got better and a lot of heart thumping moment too (unlike nowadays horror movie -– full of loud sounds and screams, eww!).

i hate “him” for killing Milk.

who kills Milk? you gotta watch it :)


p/s: don’t want to spoil again, haha!

Monday, March 22, 2010

No sweat


Are you active in sport? Or are you a type that easily sweating?

I’m an active guy who plays almost all sports. So, sweat is like my twin brother which always happens to me. See my schedule for your own assumption:

Monday – Soccer and badminton

Tuesday – Badminton

Wednesday – Badminton

Thursday – Soccer and badminton

Friday – Rest

Saturday – Swimming and badminton

Sunday – Swimming

Can you imagine how much time I’d spend every week for sport? :)

No one wants body odor no matter where you are –- in the office, after sport or even at home. Some people might have body odor without sweating, which is another case. But most people will smell bad when they sweat.

You can’t prevent yourself from sweating but you can kill the smell exactly like you are not sweating at all :)

What’s the secret? ;)

Adidas Fresh can help you for 24 hours protection. You won’t regret by purchase it. When you got Adidas Fresh, you do not need to worry about body odor or bad smell after sport anymore. You can work, be in public or even stay close to your family members at home without doubt.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab yourself one and see the result :) 


Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS. Auditions are now open! Check it out at www.projectalpha.com.my/auditions.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Favourite Surfing Spot


I know that everybody must have their favourite surfing spot. Place that can make you relax, give you a peace of mind and can make you feel happy.

My favourite surfing spot is my room. Yes, I know it sounds common. Nowadays, people will choose place like Starbucks, Coffee Bean or even mamak restaurant for surfing. So that you can also cit chatting with a bunch of friends.

Why I choose my room instead of others?


Yes, first because it is comfortable. My room has aircond and soft bed. What is better than your own room to surf the net, don’t you think?



Second, is privacy. Privacy is what I always need. Not that because I would watch something obscene or anything illegal but I want to write blog, to upload pictures, to listen to the songs that I like without any disturbance. Some peoples at coffee shop or restaurant are way to nosy. They don’t even know me, but yet, still like to see what I’m doing. I know it’s weird.



Usually when I write a post I need a quiet place for inspiration. Key points and ideas to elaborate them. My room is very quiet. So, it really help.


Fast internet connection

This is important too as I hate slow internet connection. It can make me mad easily. Imagine you have to upload 1 picture for hours or your blog post fail to be uploaded after several times you try. Annoying if the connection is slow right?


These are the reasons why I choose to surf internet at home. When you feel comfortable, you can easily forget the time once you start surfing. So, be careful ok? :)

You know my favourite surfing spot, now… where is yours? :)

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS.

Floral Festival & Botanical Garden

I went to Floral Festival and Botanical Garden yesterday. My colleagues who also share the same interest with me, snapping pictures with DSLR -- planned to snap some pictures of this event.

Not too crowded, which… I like.

But to see so many peoples with much better cameras and lenses got me low self-esteem. After a few shots, I gained back my focus ;)

Today’s theme was close-up and bokeh.

It was my first outing and I hope we will go out again soon. Next outing would be tailing and panning. Yay!
















































Tamparuli Bridge (Tuaran, Sabah)

Tamparuli is a small town and a sub-district of Tuaran on the west coast of Sabah, Malaysia. It is populated mainly by native Dusuns, while ...