Ok, lets go back to the topic. I went to the World Music Festival 2008. The venue was at the Botanic Garden, Penang for 3 days which was on May 2, 3 & 4. Ticket price was RM50 for adult and RM20 for children. Its classy... so the price was reasonable.
The 1st day was on Friday. I was worry that we would be stuck in the traffic jam. Penangite knows that its always a bad traffic on Friday since people are going back to their hometown, yeah... we have 2 days off for Saturday and Sunday. Everybody driving their car and end up traffic jam on the bridge and jetty. Even though I don't nag, mumble or whine... still I don't have a smile on my face every Friday. Thanks God that I've changed my working schedule to 7.30am - 4.30pm. Which most people going back at 5pm! Lucky me... Ok enough crap. Mom, my 2 sisters and a sister friend want to join the music festival. Sisters went to facial salon and hair salon, end up I couldn't go back early like usual. I fetch them around 5pm. Again, thanks to God... it wasn't that bad for the traffic. Reached home, we rushed to shower and got ourselves ready as soon as possible. We need to run from the bad traffic again which people from the factories were going back to town... its weird right... when people who lives in southern work in northern and it happen otherwise to people who lives in northern. Most Penangite having this problem tho... We reached there around 7pm. There were few car parks there, marked with A, B, C & D. After we parked the car, the organizer leaded us to the shuttle van. Oh it was so convenience! Managed to buy some mineral waters and we got in. Everybody were tagged by a green wrist band at the entrance after you pass the ticket to them for approval.
We walked happily till in front of the stage. We chose the left side of the field for our seats. There were no chairs... just field, ground, soil, green grass... I guess they wanted to keep it green and nature environment? We didn't mind, not at all =) The opening was awesome by Dya Singh. Made us applause loud and screaming! They have 2 stages -- they started with the left stage and they prepared the right stage for the 2nd band, and they repeated the same thing over and over. So, for those sat in the middle were lucky! The whole night was fantastic. My family had a lot of fun. We even danced, moved our body together and teased each other. Enjoyed watching others with their style of dancing too... Not to mention the bands! They were absolutely fabulous and could attract the crowd! Around 10pm we were starving. I went to pee and bought them some pizzas by Pizza Hut. It ended around 12 midnight. We used the shuttle van again to the car park. It was well organized because even tho there were so many peoples, they managed to keep us calm and not clumsy at all. Oh btw, I saw my blogger friend Riz there as well. We were suppose to meet, he left his cell phone in my email and I wrote them down on a piece of paper but misplaced. My fault... Sorry Riz... now I got your number on my cell phone, I swear =)

Ok, the 2nd day. I went there with another blogger friend Apom. So, this time I knew how this music festival goes, so I prepared myself with some mineral waters and pizzas. Also went to toilet before go in front of the stage. We were tagged by the orange wrist band at the entrance. This time I wanted to sit in the middle but was crowded. So, I sat on the right side which I could also see the big screen when the band was at the left stage. Man... my 1st favorite band would be Kumpulan Kinabalu Merdu Sound from Sabah, Malaysia. I love the flute, bamboo and all their instruments. Not to mention the typical Sabah dance which I think very nice. Love their musics as well...! Irish performed again for the 2nd night. Last night they replaced a band from USA because they were stuck at Taiwan airport. Irish band would be the 2nd favorite. They knew how to catch the crowd attention and made us dance and clap our hand with smile. This time they managed to make us, I mean all of us stand! Everybody danced and kept clapping our hands. I saw my long-time-didn't-meet god bro as well there. He came all the way down from KL -- Nickk. We bought Haagen Dazz ice cream too. Yummy~
Around 12 we moved. My friend wanted to go to club as we didn't go to any club for ages. I told him that I couldn't go into any club since I wore sandals. But he insisted to go, ok we went to Slippery Senoritas and there was still cover charge after 12. I was shock. I didn't know everything just change... drastically. The cover charge at SS was RM50 -- crap. Then we went to Momo and the cover charge was RM40 -- another crap. And last we asked at Carmen, it was RM30 -- still crap since they played only oldies which some of them even before I was born! It was almost 1am and it is a waste if we go in. We canceled the plan and went straight home.
I had fun... =)
Thanks God... Amin.
Good one Faisal! Looks like 2nd day was full of fun to eh.
ReplyDeleteGood blog post too. Like the pictures. Hope you had fun altogether.
Thank you for:
1. Visiting my youthmalaysia.com link.
2. For leaving your comment on my recent entry. I will note your advice and duly shall return to blog sometime in the future.
I will comeby ur blog often no worries so keep the postings going great.
Take care.
Yeah I'd say 2nd day was more crowded. Can you believe everybody stood up when the Irish band was playing some musics? Hehe.
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping by Riz.
I sounds like it was a good time! It's been a long time since we went to any kind of music festival.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see World Music Festival in 2009. Love it =)
ReplyDeleteHi Faisal,
ReplyDeleteHonestly speaking I have never been to any music festival like what you wrote in this post.
In fact, I do like music a lot. But I just dislike sitting in the crowd. Lol...
Sheng Loong
syok ekkk pi situ??
ReplyDeletealaaaaa penang biasa laa, kalau hari jumaat pukul 5.30pm keatas tu mmg kena duduk rumah laa.. pukul 9 baru bulih keluaq.. kalau tak, buat dok tambah dosa aja dok maki sorang2 dlm kereta.. hahaha...
You should try, maybe once in a lifetime? =)
ReplyDeleteIts not like a pub or disco which the crowd are really for pure fun. World Music Festival is for people who loves art. You can listen to ear soothing music from other countries, different instruments, different race and culture, different costume and different language.
Its nice when we can learn new things instead =)
Who knows we might see each other in World Music Festival 2009?
God bless =)
ej - Haha memang. Kalau masa pi kerja dengan balik kerja mmg tension. Peak hour la katakan... memang tambah dosa betoi. Macam-macam keluaq dari mulut hehe.
ReplyDeleteBest la jugak kat situ. Ada macam-macam ragam. Semua sporting ja... boleh godek, boleh jerit, boleh gelak... pendek kata semua boleh la. Nanti 2009 ada lagi. Mana tau boleh jumpa kat sana nanti... hehe.
wahh..sporting nya mama faisal ni
ReplyDeleteanyway..2 org tu sis faisal ke? sama je muka..esp tang hidung..
hehe ya mama faisal memang sporting.
ReplyDeleteya dua orang lagi tu adik faisal.
eh mummy leh nampak semua gambar ke?
sebab faisal tak tahu kenapa tiba-tiba gambar semua hilang... =(
looks like all of u had a real good time. =)
ReplyDeletetoo bad im not in penang last weekend. LOL.
or else i cud join u guys. hehehehe. =P
Yeah, it was a great time. Maybe we can go together in 2009. There is always tomorrow right? ;)
ReplyDeletebet it was fun there. i knew abt the music festival, but no time to actually go.
ReplyDeletegreat to know you enjoyed yourself! eh, apasal sibuk sangat sampai no time to replace your broken belt? LOL the festival was at botanical gardens kan? i knew the one they had in auto city, juru.
Eh... Autocity also got ar? i didn't know as they mentioned only one in botanical garden [so does the web says].
ReplyDeleteHehe ya busy + malas for buying new belt.
weee... bro..
ReplyDeletesorry for not visiting ur blog recently..
neway, it sounds that music festival was spectacular...
i wonder whether the performances were great lyke hell..
actually, i'm not into music from other country. I prefer local bands more than outside..
i think i have met u la..
ur face quite familiar..
maybe in one of LHDN's occasions
maybe la..
Lol. Quite familiar eh?
ReplyDeleteMaybe... who knows...
Or you have seen me on TV? Lol.
Well, to see other countries culture, instruments, race and listen to their musics is a must. You'll like it... Trust me.
Sound interesting.. hehe. Botanic Garden kat mana hek?
ReplyDeleteIt was. Botanic Garden dekat dengan Taman Belia. Ala... tempat orang jogging tu.
ReplyDeleteScotland Road tahu kan? All the bungalows over there =P