Have you experienced Whitney’s unpleasant incident in The Bodyguard? Yes? No? To love someone and you know he/she loves you too just that you are not meant to be together? What say you?
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I will always love you
Have you experienced Whitney’s unpleasant incident in The Bodyguard? Yes? No? To love someone and you know he/she loves you too just that you are not meant to be together? What say you?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Lahirnya Seorang Jutawan

Some of his books that I have read are mXe!, Jutawan Dari Planet Jupiter and How to Become A Property Millionaire. The main points are almost the same on how to save money and gain more money from what you have earned. Oh not to forget, a book about Internet Business from their website too.
Let me just share the topics that have been discussed in this book rather than I write the whole thing again. The topics are:
- Perjalanan Hidup Saya Sebagai Seorang Pekerja (My life as an employee)
- Pekerja Jutawan (Millionaire Employee)
- Anda tidak perlu kebenaran untuk menjadi kaya (You do not need the truth in order to be rich)
- Empat faktor yang memberi kesan ke atas pendapatan anda selaku pekerja (Four factors that affect your salary as an employee)
- Bagaimana untuk menjadi pekerja yang mempunyai pasaran (How to be a good employee in the market)
- Bagaimana untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak wang selaku pekerja (How to get more money as employee)
- Tidak semuanya indah (Everything is not beautiful)
- Serangan dari dua penjuru (Attacks from 2 sides)
- Menjadi ejen bebas (Be a freelance)
- Wujudkan SPT (Create SPT)
- Pembakar lanjut (NOS – speed up)
- Bagaimana untuk menyimpan wang (How to save money)
- Bagaimana untuk melabur wang dengan bijak (How to invest money wisely)
- Elakkan melakukan kesilapan wang yang besar (Avoid humongous financial mistake)
- Menjadi kaya adalah usaha berpasukan (Rich is about teamwork)
So, if you are interested to know the details I would suggest you to buy one copy of this (available in English too). Sometimes we know about these things but just that we never practice it or worse we have forgotten about them. So, books are good to keep us vigilant all the time. Currently I am reading “A Mighty Heart” by Mariane Pearl. I will write about it as soon as I finish. It is a sad true story about a journalist who get killed in Karachi. I have a handful of books to read and I am happy. What are you reading now?
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Magic Paintbrush: A Musical

To my surprise, I got a parcel last week. At first I was bewildered. When sister told me that I got a parcel on that day I thought it was the book I bought from Rosie. Then, when I looked at it I knew it wasn’t a book. I was happy and opened it eagerly. Then I found it was a CD and there was a name card attached to it. It was from Dr Kenneth Lyen!
I was more than happy. I could not describe my feeling through words as I love masterpiece like these!
I ran to my room and played it on my laptop. I like “Wishing For A World” and “Reaching For A Shining Star” so much. They are lovely and ear soothing. Not enough with playing it on my laptop, I played it in the office and also in the car!
I would like to thank Quachee for his post about this and also big thank you to Dr Kenneth Lyen for giving me this lovely CD. I love it so much and really appreciate it.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I have changed?

I have changed?
The most prominent question pops out from friends, colleagues or even family members. Yes I become very calm, smiley and the most drastic change -- quiet.
Yes I am very quiet and soft spoken now.
Do I need to have a reason in order to be a better man? Some peoples told me to be the real me, the original me and just simply be the old me. I repudiated.
What’s the benefit of being talkative? Can you list me some instead of gossiping and talk gobbledygook that won’t bring you good ideas and knowledge? Waste of time.
So, now… most of the time I’d spend my time for working, reading and talking about academical stuff. I don’t want to be a dumb that only can talk loud and laugh loud. Rather be quiet and wise.
Now, I don’t scold, I don’t get mad, I don’t whine, I don’t use vulgar, I don’t talk craps and the list goes on.
To those who know me before, do not be surprised of these changes.
I feel good… to be a better man.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
What makes me smile?

First is Maero Attack. Still remember the Japanese girl volleyball squad? Remember Jun and Yujia? Remember "Lapangan Terbang" serve and "Somersault Berpusing" spike? Remember this bit of lyric "Toni... Mikudu..."? Yes, I know you are smiling now. The same thing happen when we talked about this in the office. When I sang that bit of lyric they end up laughed out loud. It was unexpected when I could even remember the song! Yes, I haven't sang other Japanese series like Gaban and Suria Perkasa Hitam yet. Even Thundercats and Silver Hawks in my mind. I can be very forgetful at a time but for these songs, no way. So, when I read Ismail's blog regarding this, spontaniously I want to write about it even though I have some other topics to write about (I told you that peoples are having writer's block but it happen another way round to me). I can even remember Jun wasn't the best player since Yujia was the best (I like Yujia as she was so adorable and fashionable). Then when Yujia died, Jun had been practicing day and night to be a good player and she made it at last. Others not really on my mind as this is really an old series. Ok I know you would say Oshin is older. Then what about Ninja? I even created my own star-like-weapon which I threw on the wooden board as my enemy. I used condense milk can haha!
Another video that I want to put here is about a gay couple who try their best to hide their sexuality. I don't know much about this movie and I don't know how could I got this through email. Not from friends but from some ads. To homophobic I hope you can simply ignore this. But if you are not, then enjoy the video which will make you laugh out loud! (especially when they want to kiss and caught by the dad, they spontaneously dancing!).
It's Sunday. Bright sunny day, hot, humid and guess what? While I'm writing this post, the electricity just gone. Remember how I describe the day?
Tag Fever
Been tagged by Adila.
Ok here it goes:
1. Put The logo in your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who shared it with you.
Adila rocks!
3. Nominate at least 7 other blog
Hidayah Admar
Cahaya Hidupku
OMG it's so tiring being fabulous!
Timely Twisted
Pondok Buruk
4. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog
The tag are NOT done yet! Be patient.
Be Honest
Law and order
1) Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right NOW!.
2) DON’T change your clothes, DON’T fix your hair??just take a picture. (If you are naked,please put on some clothes)
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
5) Tag 7 peoples to do this (refer the list above). The names mentioned above, you are entitled to do this.
No edit. Just wake up, slept at 4.30am. What do you expect?
Been tagged by Iesha.
2. What were you doing at 0800?
- Getting ready for new house ceremony in Sungai Petani and wedding in the mainland.
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
- Answering comments in my blog.
4. What happened to you in 2006?
- Broke up with my girlfriend.
5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
- God is fair.
6. How many beverages did you have today?
- None. Just woke up and outta bed.
7. What color is your hairbrush?
- I don't use any.
8.What was the last thing you paid for?
- Toll.
9. Where were you last night?
- At KFC.
10. What color is your front door?
- Brown.
11. Where do you keep your change?
- Wallet.
12. What's the weather like today?
- Hot, humid and dull.
13. What's the best ice-cream flavor?
- Chocolate.
14. What excites you?
- Kiss.
15. Do you want to cut your hair?
- Cut my hair few days ago.
16. Are you over the age of 25?
- Yes I'm 27.
17. Do you talk a lot?
- Used to. But I cut it short nowadays.
18. Do you watch the O.C.?
- What the hell is that? I don't really watch series. Only the selected ones and I watch only DVD.
19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
- Steve Gerard and Steven Spielberg.
20. Do you make up your own words?
- Yes used to and friends followed.
21. Are you a jealous person?
- Yes I am.
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A'.
- Ajil.
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'K'.
- Keith.
24. Who's the first person on your received call list?
- LHDN Amir.
25. What does the last text message you received say?
- Good morning. Yup, I will just try to learn as much as I can but obviously I have to put more effort than the other students as my basic is not good. You have good Sunday ya. Hugs.
26. Do you chew on your straw?
- No.
27. Do you have curly hair?
- Wavy.
28. Where's the next place you're going to?
- Muar.
29. Who's the rudest person in your life?
- An old fart (European) who is rich insulted me when I asked about real estate.
30. What was the last thing you ate?
- KFC at 3am.
31. Will you get married in the future?
- I have faith and I believe in fate.
32. What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks?
- I watched Bond recently and it was the only one. How could I compare then?
33. Is there anyone you like right now?
34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
- Can't remember as sisters will collect them on the dining table.
35. Are you currently depressed?
- Kinda.
36. Did you cry today?
- No.
37. Why did you answer and post this?
- I believe in karma. I make this person who tags me happy, I'd be happy too even in future. "What goes around, comes around"
38. Tag 7 people who would do this survey.
- Refer the list above.
Been tagged by Zuer.
1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her
Romantic, loving, passionate, good hearted and calm.
3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
Clean my feet.
4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
I love you.
5. If he/she become your lover, you will...more that words can say...
I will appreciate and thank God.
6. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
I will be the saddest person on earth.
7. If he/she become your lover, he/she has to improve on...
Don't think too much of your appearance.
8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
I doubt.
9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
Kiss and hug till fall asleep.
10. The overall impression of him/her is...
Perfect. I don't judge cover of a book.
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
I don't care what others think of me.
12. The character of you for yourself is?
Cool, calm, soft spoken, charming and don't talk much if its not important.
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
The one I'm talking about.
15. For the people who likes you, say something about them.
Love me and I will love you.
16. 7 people to tag...
Refer the 1st tag above.
17. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
The lover.
18. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
19. If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
Aren't we talking about the same person?
20. How about no. 5 and 8?
Same answer as number 19.
21. What is no. 1 studying about?
12. Is no. 4 single?
23. Say something about no. 6
I love you... but I know its not a good move to fall in love with things that don't last. Its like flower, you happy to see it when you get it and when it dies, you can't keep it. So, how I wish to not getting attach to things that don't last.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Welcome Admars!
Yes... some of you have question in mind such as how many siblings do I have and why my dad is not in the list? Ok, I have 2 sisters which means all of them have their own blog now. My dad is not starting anything yet most probably because he is not interested, busy with friends or even prefer TV than writing. Haha. I know I give some lame excuse on his behalf but I never try to talk about it with dad. Maybe soon ;) But don't worry, I will keep haunting him to create one! (maybe I've to wait untill he buys his own laptop).
Ok, not to forget I want to give a welcome greeting to my "silent reader" who now has her own blog too. I know you told me before you were not interested to write but to read. Haha!
Welcome to blogsphere!
Award from Rosie

I got an award from Rozella and I really love it. In fact, awards always make me smile ;)
Thanks Rozella for giving me this award. Really appreciate it and I know you heart my blog haha! :P
So, I want to pass this award to:
A Walk to Remember | Aku Sebutir Pasir | Apple of The Eyes | As Zewt As It Gets | Aximud | Beruang Madu | Books Love Me | Bunkerangs | Cahaya Hidupku | Catatan Seorang CEO | Chronicle: It's all about my life | Demi Pena | Ej's Diary | Fly Me To The Moon | Ginevra, un-interrupted | Hidayah Admar | Hot Shit Form Here | I am ME | Kisah Kau dan Aku | Layan Kepala | Lensalily | Life Mine & People Around Me | Livelife365 | Love.Life.Live | Passionate About Blogging | Mangosteen | Melancholic Hyphothesis | Memories of Sakura | Mom Knows Everything | Momma Wannabe | Mundane | My Style My Thought | My Sweet Escape | Nikli | Nukilan Ku Di Sini | OMG it's so tiring being fabulous! | Pondok Buruk | Porcelain Doll | Quachee's Blog | Reflection Inside Me | Remember Me This Way | Scream Fara! | Segalanya Bermula Dari Hati | Still Crazy After All These Yrs! | Story of My Life | Super Duper Hot | Syuk Punya Style | Tengok Sana Sini | Tepak Sireh | Thought Of Yumiko | Through My Lenses | Timely Twisted | To Blog Everything | Twinkletoe Writing Space | Walk On Wings | Wishing On A Falling Star | Words Don't Come Easy | Your Unfriendly Neighbourhood Hero | Zackzara | Zuer
Fuh! What a long list :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
A is attached!

S knew A few months ago. in fact to know someone in a few months time is not enough. its new. S hasn't knew everything about A yet.
they met through a dating website. then A messaged S with a simple hi. S replied. they exchanged MSN. they saw each other on webcam. nothing impress S. to S, A was just another brat who is seeking for hole, seeking for lust or to be exact seeking for a bitch. S ignored some greetings from A on MSN. A asked for a meeting few times but S refused with some excuses. one of them was because A is attached!
one night, S felt so stress. so depress. so bored. so, S texted A asked for a meeting. A simply agreed. they met and as expected A took S home. nothing much on their head at that moment just a plain vanilla...
after the first meeting, S just tried to get rid of A. A kept trying to keep in touch with S but A was ignored by S. A felt silly and stop trying. after a while, S felt uneasy. the feeling of missing someone haunted. they kept in touch again through cell phone.
they met few times.
the jealousy came when A went to kl to see the lover. but S tried the best to stay calm and not to show any reaction. deep in S's heart, S is jealous. S kept messaging A even though A told S that A would switch off the cell phone while A is there. lover was always around -- S thought.
went A came back. A wanted to meet S. but S sulked.
after 3 weeks, they met again. S missed A very much S never tell.
the happiness didn't last long. A told S that A's lover had bought a ticket to bangkok. S was sad. heartbroken. S loves A so much. but...
after a week in bangkok. A came back. as soon as A reached house, A texted S told S that A was at home. S was busy with some works and told A that S is going to meet A in the weekend. A agreed.
they met. but this time it was different. A was very lovely. romantic. loving. you named it.
it has been a while since S got a lover and to shower together is always a dream. A offered to shower to together with S. S was shy but then agreed. it was such a romantic moment. very romantic!
S was so impress with A's honesty. A never lie. but A is attached!
yes that's the fact. S is the victim now. S loves A so much but what S could do? pray that someday A will be S's? or keep on waiting to love A for the rest of S's life? S cried yesterday. S is crying now. S knows that to be in triangle love is dangerous and its like committing suicide.
A told S that if A met S 4 years ago, A would take S as A's lover. but seem now its too late.
S loves A so much and would love A forever. but for now, S guess S better stay away from A for A's relationship sake.
its either the lover or S.
or is it a goodbye?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Housing loan vs Car loan

"krengggg!" phone rang. i answered. it was a lady.
lady: faisal, can i know how much i entitle for the housing loan?
me: you wanna wait or i call you back when i get the amount?
lady: i can wait *giggle*
me: ok, you entitle for 96k.
lady: omg! why so little? is it because the salary or the position?
me: salary and position. both counts.
lady: ok. you know what?
me: yes?
lady: have you ever realized that we could pay off the car loan which is roughly the same amount of the housing loan but why we wanna drag the housing loan to a longer period rather than pay off the loan exactly like car loan -- which will only takes about 9 years max and 7 years is common?
me: if we are talking about investment, hold for few years and we sell. then its another case. we could buy 2 or 3 houses with that amount of money in let say 5 years and we could sell them. so why are we in hurry?
lady: but if its the house we live?
me: then, i think you got the point *smile* but if you are into business, you can do something else with the money rather paying off your housing loan lump sum. you know you won't get rebate like car loan if you pay quick right?
lady: oh yeah. i've forgotten about that *laugh* thanks for the info and have a nice day.
me: you too madam.
if you have no intention on getting yourself a business then you better pay off your debt quick. after all, you will have a better life without debt around you. trust me, you won't have a headache about money anymore.
again, to be rich is not about how much you earn (yes even though this is the best way for you to get rich fast if you know how to handle) but how much you save.
if you are doing business, never break a promise. once you break it, there is no way you are going to be success.
i talked to a friend few days ago about capitalist and socialist. what caught my attention was what he said about capitalist "there are differences between capitalist and stingy". we ended with a big laugh. indeed.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.- Albert Einstein -
Bad day at work
Lately, work is very stressful. There will be an audit for finance department next week. I have prepared stuff they needed and nothing much to do as my work is pretty clean and well organized. Just that... nevermind.
I hope I won't be crazy as the video above.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

reach office at 7.30am. called up my friend for meeting up at the toast and egg stall near Maybank. he agreed.
8am. was in the office. start doing work. lately i just not in the mood of lazying around. no. no. no.
8.30am. chief clerk called us. "we have meeting with the director at 9.00am about our stats".
i nodded.
9.00am. took my notepad and pen and walked together with others to the director's room. no chair or sofa. i murmured to myself "aik! where's the sofa?". i stopped looking around like an idiot. there were 3 chairs. 2 for both chief clerks. 1 more left. after few minutes of talking by him, i sat down. well... why stand when there was one more chair left?
he read the stats. amazingly my stats was great. no mistake at all. director was happy with my stats compared to other branch. i was speechless. shocked. deep in my hard, i thanked God and smile. he congratulated me and wanted me to maintain the good work. i murmured to myself again "yes, i took the work home and even did overtime!".
around 9.30am. the meeting was over. i walked out happily.
some said good things to me (even though i smell sarcasm) and some had frown on their face.
i took a voucher to the account department (we use payment voucher before cheque can be made). on my way, i smiled. happy. felt energetic. i thanked God non stop. i even smsed mom telling her that the hardwork all this while is worth it. she replied "lol, yeah right after some arguements with the staff". i smiled.
when i returned to my chair. the aunties were still look unhappy. all in sudden they spoke out loud in sarcasm.
number 1: i think the repayment case was made by you. and 1 mistake in that section. so your stats ain't zero mistake as been told by the director.
number 2: if they want to make stats like this. be honest. be fair.
number 3: ah faisal. you got good stats because you know the account department well.
i was puzzled. man... i didn't expect that i will get good result like this. last month wasn't the best one. and i was so happy that you, yes you my colleague got good result. but why when it happen to me, you guys felt not satisfied and unhappy?
i still remember some of you even kidding about not changing my job description anymore as i will learn too many things? i'm confuse. totally confuse. why should you guys envy at me? after all we are friends right? sigh.
my morale went down drastically. i didn't talk much. i climbed up the stairs and went to the account department again and told them next time if i got zero mistake again please put some figures in the stats. so they can be happy and smile all day long. i don't mind. account department staff were stunned.
i walked down slowly. haggardly. confused. sad. mad. puzzled.
my chief clerk called me up. i met him. "they met me just now and telling me they were not satisfy with the stats which was so unfair as account department is close to you". i replied "i have no comment about that". he said "its hard to work with women don't you think?". me "i believe god is fair... its okay". i continued discuss about the budget with him. deep in my heart... very upset. those who i treat like my own sisters. yes my own elder sisters as i don't have any elder sister or brother backstabbed me. its hurt. really hurt. i'm bleeding badly. i don't think the scar will fade away. i'm sensitive yes. but even if you aren't sensitive this would be to much for you to bear. it'd surely boiling up your red blood from toe to the head. but... i stayed calm. i used to be aggresive and defensive. today, i chose to be calm. a deep breath... i smiled even though its not a good one.
i will remember this "sweet" memory forever.
p/s: another thing is... to the officer who in charge taking care of company computers stop accusing me using office internet by stealing boss ip just because i'm good in computer. stop accusing me updating my blog (no idea how did you find out my blog) in the office, i have lots of works to get done. lastly, stop telling me that writing about my company is wrong and dangerous. did i curse my company? and what's wrong if they know where i work? i don't want to be discreet, any problem to you? you were not the one who pays me the salary. do your job and don't be nosy ok? smelling your own butt rather than smell others. eww!
Monday, November 10, 2008

today everything is about "mee" (refer: noodle).
my menu for today:
breakfast: fried "mee" with egg
lunch: fried "mee"
dinner: curry "mee"
"mee", "mee", "mee"
everything is about "mee".
do you think i'm selfish?
p/s: yes, i really ate "mee" for these 3 meals. "mee" gives me this idea. i know yellow "mee" is not good. i regret.

lazy mode.
i'm not purposely being lazy but i have to stay home during the day time and spend more time at home or in the office. to stay under the sun is really a pain in the ass.
yes. i got sunburn.
if you look at me, the grilled chicken and me looks alike. exactly. i know aloevera is good for the skin but i'm lazy to get some aloe gel at the pharmacy.
i was only one of the supporters last saturday but i spent almost the whole day on field. yelling, screaming, jumping and the list goes on. worth it. we won. i got a mug for the badminton. yes, still a prize. free mug. but... it was just a mug. no, i'm grateful. thanks. a mug?
for the sake of my team.
i used up all the voice left. now i have no voice and my skin is sore all over. face and hand the most. sore. itchy. no remedy instead of aloe and cold shower? anyone has real aloe instead of me buying some aloe gel?
i hate chemical. you know, i am a health conscious person.
i read book and watch prison break (mind you i haven't watched any of the episodes YET). more vitamins and fluids needed.
gotta go.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Tag from Foongpc and Wenkt
Here are the rules:
1. List these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
5. Link the person who tagged you.
6. Leave a comment for each blogger.
Ok, the 7 facts about myself which is easy...
1. I'm good at badminton.
2. I love instrumental songs.
3. I prefer to sms rather than call someone.
4. I love reading.
5. I love movies.
6. I don't smoke.
7. I love foods.
Now comes the hard part about the 6 unspectacular quirks about myself....
1. I read book in the toilet.
2. I collect newspaper for the whole week and read them all in weekend.
3. I don't read the same book and watch the same movie for the second time.
4. I drink warm water before I brush my teeth.
5. I arrange my things accordingly to color or size and it won't change for some times.
6. I always think uncut is dirty.
And I'm tagging the following 7 people.....
I've been tagged by Wenkt.
Who is your favorite pornstar?
I don't know their names. Japanese are cool! :)
Money or looks?
Your favourite girlfriend of Hugh Hefner’s?
I don't know what Hugh Hefner's is so I choose girlfriend even though I don't have any currently.
Grape or orange tastes better?
Grape of course.
With or “without lights” or candle sticks?
Without lights. I called it romance.
Silk or cotton?
Victoria Secret or Agent Provocateur?
I don't know both. Victoria Secret from Victoria Beckham? No idea.
Cartoons, simple, ribbons, or lace?
To be on top or bottom…
P/S - Next people to tag?
Abang Bear

Thanks mangosteenskin for these lovely awards :) Really makes me smile.

Thanks again to mangosteenskin and not to forget foongpc for this butterfly award :)
Ok, it has been a while since I being generous to my fellow bloggers. So now, I want to pass this award to:
Mike Foster
Farah Burhanudeen
Abang Bear
Doc Syukur
Fuh! It's a one breath go!
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Microwaving water [part 2]
As I promise, now I put a video about microwaving water in the correct way :)
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Microwaving water

A 26-year old man decided to have a cup of coffee. He took a cup of water and put it in the microwave to heat it up (something that he had done numerous times before). I am not sure how long he set the timer for, but he wanted to bring the water to a boil.
When the timer shut the oven off, he removed the cup from the oven. As he looked into the cup, he noted that the! Water was not boiling, but suddenly the water in the cup 'blew up' into his face. The cup remained intact until he threw it out of his hand, but all the water had flown out into his face due to the build up of energy.
His whole face is blistered and he has 1st and 2nd degree burns to his face which may leave scarring. He also may have lost partial sight in his left eye.
While at the hospital, the doctor who was attending to him stated that this is a fairly common occurrence and water (alone) should never be heated in a microwave oven. If water is heated in this manner, something should be placed in the cup to diffuse the energy such as a wooden stir stick, tea bag, etc.., (nothing metal). It is however a much safer choice to boil the water in a tea kettle.
General Electric's Response:
Thanks for contacting us, I will be happy to assist you. The e-mail that you received is correct. Microwaved water and other liquids do not always bubble when they reach the boiling point. They can actually get superheated and not bubble at all. The superheated liquid will bubble up out of the cup when it is moved or when something like a spoon or tea bag is put into it.
To prevent this from happening and causing injury, do not heat any liquid for more than two minutes per cup.
After heating, let the cup stand in the microwave for thirty seconds before moving it or adding anything into it.
Here is what our local science teacher had to say on the matter: 'Thanks for the microwave warning. I have seen this happen before. It is caused by a phenomenon known as super heating. It can occur anytime water is heated and will particularly occur if the vessel that the water is heated in is new, or when heating a small amount of water(less than half a cup).
What happens is that the water heats faster than the vapor bubbles can form. If the cup is very new then it is unlikely to have small surface scratches inside it that provide a place for the bubbles to form. As the bubbles cannot form and release some of the heat has built up, the liquid does not boil, and the liquid continues to heat up well past its boiling point.
What then usually happens is that the liquid is bumped or jarred, which is just enough of a shock to cause the bubbles to rapidly form and expel the hot liquid. The rapid formation of bubbles is also why a carbonated beverage spews when opened after having been shaken.'
P/s: Spread about this via email or blog. You could save life

Saturday, November 01, 2008
Do you trust in CIMB?

Cute picture isn't it? Yes, I'm not smiling.
Yesterday I was unhappy. Very unhappy.
The day before I was mad. Very mad!
How could you trust a bank that give a loan with 36% interest, slow procedure and slow feedback in everything? Since Beach Street CIMB was the closest bank I could go so I gave myself a try.
I trust in Maybank since I was a kid perhaps because parent trust in them too. Ok, not really with my dad since he trust in oversea banks more. Simple reasons he gave me: good service and hospitality when you deal with them. Good environment too. I went in HSBC and Standard Charted once. Yes, different from our local bank. But what I didn't like to open any account with them just because they are not everywhere like local banks. Who cares about saving depreciation since I don't keep much in my saving. Hey! invest somewhere that could give you better interest!. Ok I won't talk about finance today.
It was a very frustrated experience with CIMB I'd say. First of all, when I asked about loan there was no further detail instead of giving out their pamphlet and the payment timetable. RM5,000 for 5 years and RM181 monthly installment sounded interesting to me (for 5 years, yes I know silly me). Ok, I didn't do bad loan. Never. When I say I pay monthly installment for RM181 that means I got profit out of it. Let say, I pay RM181 but after paying this amount I get RM419 in my pocket. Don't you think its a good debt/loan? There you go, finance talk again! Damn.
Then, I simply agreed with the deal as they told me I could get the money instantly or at least in 3 days working days. Yeah right! It took about a week to get the amount in my account! That's not instant and I would rather find a lower interest rate if I know that it would take this long. So, that was my first dissappointment. I didn't want to make a havoc. Fine.
Ok, they didn't tell me that I have to bank in the money to my saving account and I can't pay at the counter as you paying off your other loan. WTF? Then I told them that I want to pay more and that means I was looking for rebate if I keep this healthy relation with the bank. But they told me I cannot do so as they will deduct exact amount of RM181 from the account. Oh man! I felt I was totally cheated at that time. Yes, at where I stand in front of the counter. My face was read. I know. I told them I want to make full settlement in 3 months time. As I would get back the amount in that period. They told me that I'd waste lots of money if I do that. I didn't care. I was pissed off.
In 3 months time, I could pay off the debt. But I hold the money in my account as the biz was not so good. Petrol ruined everything. Sigh. After I paid RM181 for almost 6 months, then I called CIMB, KL branch for the amount I need to pay. I knew the amount will be great as I have to pay penalty and process fees (damn, banks are bad!). Do you know how long it takes? Not long. It took ages and no response at all. Until I had to go to the same bank again and ask for the amount. They told me KL branch will send me a letter. Ok, no arguement. I waited for almost a month. Why they always take so long compared to Maybank? (ah same goes with Bank Islam). Affter a month I got the exact amount about RM5,390. I called them up as I want to make a bank draft from Maybank. I hate bring lots of cash. They said ok. Then, I paid and you know what? There was no receipt or anything! I told them at least you can sign and stamp for prove. The officer did as I told. Weird isn't it? Ok, done.
After a month I got my billing again. Bill? Loan? WTF? Ok, maybe they hadn't updated the latest payment yet. I emailed CIMB customer service and you know what they replied?
Let me start with my email:
Today 28/8/2008 I have received reminder letter about the Xpress Cash loan. I have made my full settlement on 6th August 2008 and therefore, no reminder should be given to me anymore.
By the way, August is almost over but I haven’t received any letter or receipt regarding this settlement. At first CIMB Beach Street, Penang branch called me up to put RM10 in the bank because the balance was RM4 in my account and I had done so. After few weeks an officer from KL called me and asked me to bank in RM10 again. Why is it so? For how many times I have to bank in money for the reason that the cheque can’t be proceed? I have paid the full amount on 6th of August 2008 by Maybank bank draft. I paid at CIMB, Beach Street, Penang.
Until now I haven’t received anything such as receipt or notification letter that I have settled the loan. I hope you can send me a letter or receipt regarding this matter.
Your cooperation is so much appreciated.
Thank you.
P/s: I don't remember the Kl Officer who called me but he is a Malay guy and the person who called me on 6th of August is Miss Tan. Thank you. "
and here was the reply:
"Dear Mr Faisal,
Thank you for your e-mail and banking with us.
We would advise you to liaise directly with Xpress Cash department at 03-2035 2200 in regards to your inquiry.
Should you have other inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our CIMB Call Centre at 1-300-880-900 or 03-2295 6100 between 7am to 11pm (Malaysia hours) daily, (we are contactable 7 days a week including public holidays) for information and assistance.
Regards and have a pleasant day,
Sumarma "
If I need a reply like this I won't email them ok? Is it too hard for them to forward my email to the person in charge or at least to the right department? Sucks. I called up the numbers and no one pick up the phone. I tried about 6 times on the same date I got this reply. Fed up. Damn!
2 days ago, I got the reminder billing again! This time really drove me crazy. Yesterday, I went straight to see the person who dealt with me before. She called up the KL department and you know what? KL department didn't know anything regarding this. She passed the phone to me. I talked to the one on the phone. You know what? He even asked me have you faxed the receipt to KL deparment? Oy! I'm not your bloody damn slow stupid staff ok! (in my heart: Fuck off!). I asked him: "Am I suppose to know your whole procedure even though I'm an outsider?". He didn't reply. I told him that I'd tell this lady to fax by today (now I'm dealing on her behalf? grr!). Hang up. I told the lady that she needs to fax the receipt and the letter together. I did ask what happen to the receipt last time? Did't you guys fax it to KL or submit it by snail mail at least? She didn't know as she said it's MISS TAN's job. Fine. I asked her to call MISS TAN and I wanted to meet her. She replied: "I called her just now about a case before you but she didn't even coming down". Fuck. I felt like screaming and shoot this MISS TAN's head. She photocopied my letter and receipt and told me that will pass to MISS TAN. I asked her when? She said as soon as possible. I asked again and streghten the word WHEN. She said you have to ask MISS TAN about that. What??? She wrote MISS TAN's phone number on my letter. Before lunch yesterday, I called up MISS TAN and you know what? She didn't even know who am I. I hadto read my novel again till she understand (I knew she kept searching for my letter on her table!) and replied she will fax the documents after hang up the call. Grr!
At 5pm (I called her at 11am ok?) the KL department who I dealt in the bank earlier on called me and told me they will investigate my case on Monday. WTF??? I asked him why Monday and what took him so late to inform me about this? He told me MISS TAN faxed to him at 5pm and he called me instantly. OMG...!!!
Thanks to Kak Ina as I know you have done your best. Thanks to Yana (can't remember her name) for filling the form everytime I go to see you for the payment. Thanks to MISS TAN for at least fax the document. Thanks to the guy in KL too as I didn't ask his name.
This is the first and last time I'm dealing with CIMB. Sayonara!
Book giveaway!

I guess the title really attractive! Don't you think so? Ok, I bloghoped this morning and I found out about this book giveaway contest. It's easy to enter the contest and why not you give a try since it takes little time to do it.
To enter this giveaway and how you can get extra entries, see below:
- Simply leave a comment and your e-mail add saying you want to participate - 1 entry
- Blog about this giveaway in your blog and tell me about it - 2 entries
- Adding me to your blogroll - 5 entries
Simple isn't it? Click here to join.
Let's join and hopefully you get a copy!
Tag from Ad
1) When first time you meet him/her?
When I was 14.
2)what do you feel?
3)what you feel right now?
No more feeling. She is going to get married soon.
4)if your enemy do anything that you hate, what you will do first?
Speak out or stay silent.
5)give 5 characters that have at you.....
6) if he/her have broke your heart, what your action?
Stay silent. Read more books to forget about it. Ignore her call/message.
7) what character you like toward him/her?
Warm-hearted. Good kisser. Ops!
8) who is the name of no.1?
9) if your lover become your enemies, is it you will hate him/her?
Ignore. I don't play kiddo's game.
10) the most memorable thing he/her had done to you?
First kiss in cinema.
11)the most thing that he/her have said to you?
Money isn't everything.
12)no.7 boy or girl?
What's in your mind?
13)who is no.9?
No one. No 9 is an IF right?
14)to the person that always support to you?
Thanks for everything.
15)10 people to tag...
Till later.
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