Thursday, January 31, 2008
pvp competition 2007
Monday, January 28, 2008
yellow tortoise
a4o's gathering
First of all, let me say some words about this lovely gathering. It was a wonderful moment in 2008... which I won't forget forever. I had big headache at work and it was a great time to spend time with friends and give me a peace of mind. All4One a guild in Ragnarok combined from 3 big guilds Ancient Legacy, Wirawan and Enigma. We were enemy before in game then we merge and built a great guild called All4One or well known as A4O. We had many achievements including the latest one, 3rd place for 3 vs 3 PvP competition. Instead of we are good in game, we are great buddy in real life as well. We had a lot of gatherings and not to forget we are active in War. What else can be better than this with online game? Any other better one compared to Ragnarok? Nah! So, this time we went to Bukit Merah. Usually we had a smaller gathering and not going anywhere for vacation. But this time, it was different. Vacation and gathering. Even tho, I've been there for several times, but this time it was different. Lol, not to mention we talked almost everything about game. To those who know nothing about Ragnarok, it would be a great dull conversation. Thanks to organizer Azmie for collecting the money and took a great package for 4 activities which include orang utan island, eco park, sky cycle and water theme park! I enjoyed all the moment we spent together. So, here I share some pictures taken when we were there... Enjoy!
Some videos :
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
world cup video
mobile phone
grocery shopping
We spent about RM300+ for the groceries. Don't ask me why big amount of money =P
chicken rice
Sunday, January 20, 2008
man utd defeated reading
When I saw Arsenal scored 3 goals, I was thinking "Oh God, this shouldn't happen! We deserve the 1st place still..!". It was like my prayer is truly blessed and Rooney scored right after my pray, not to forget... Man Utd game without Ronaldo scoring is like a man without soul!
The big results :
Reading 0 - Man Utd 2
Fulham 0 - Arsenal 3
Birmingham 0 - Chelsea 1
Man Utd 1st, Ronaldo 1st... Glory Man Utd!

parking : bang!
How could I be so careless? But thing happen, so... there's no regret. I couldn't turn back time anyhow. Left some scratches on my car... Urgh!

Argh! The scratches!

Saturday, January 19, 2008
how to rig an election: confessions of a republican operative
If you are into politic and you follow what is happening in USA... then this would be interesting to read =)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
life made simple

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
admin farewell party

3 stooges? The left one will be sent to Investigation Department...
Good buddy, Linda... She is very open minded!
Simple foods that we served with nice lime syrup... the food were Gulai Ikan Kering, Ulam, Ayam Masak Negro... but I'd say they were so tasty!
Monday, January 14, 2008
indonesia vs malaysia?
If this is the case, why should we still support their album? Support people who burns our flag, make fun of our country song and cursing our people?
Even our Prime Minister serves their president with good hospitality. I hope these uneducated people can learn some respects and keep harmony life. God bless!
Here I share some site :
pet shop

how to fight against scam?
So, here I share a blog telling you more about this :
Sunday, January 13, 2008
man utd return to the top
Here I share some pictures of the match :

what i did yesterday?

Ok this is me again, drove to Infinity a cyber cafe opposite Bukit Jambul Complex. Usually I play at home but this time Andy, my Ragnarok's friend came down to Penang visiting his grandpa. Sorry Andy, no pic of you =( Forgot to take... Btw, why I look chubby? In fact, I'm so thin now! Focus on my shirt... Haha.. To All4One member, you know what is that right?
Ok these are some of the screen shots of the war... Hehehe =P
Tamparuli Bridge (Tuaran, Sabah)
Tamparuli is a small town and a sub-district of Tuaran on the west coast of Sabah, Malaysia. It is populated mainly by native Dusuns, while ...

I've been tagged by foongpc . Here are the rules: 1. List these rules on your blog. 2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog. 3. T...
Tamparuli is a small town and a sub-district of Tuaran on the west coast of Sabah, Malaysia. It is populated mainly by native Dusuns, while ...
James Bond actor Daniel Craig has had cosmetic surgery after being injured on the set of the latest Bond movie, he revealed in a new magazi...