Sunday, February 01, 2009

heart disease

= = ?

I went out with an old friend to the coffee house not far away from my house. We ordered coffee for me and hot chocolate for him. We grabbed a magazine for each of us. I read articles about economy and investment and he read about health. He lighted up a cigarette and continued reading.

Then he laughed out loud.

“Read this article pal! It says coffee is the main reason why we get heart disease!!!”

I stayed silent. I looked at his cigarette and smiled.

In life it is the same thing. We always see wrong doing in others but not in us. A mirror doesn’t help much don’t you think?

P/s: Thanks Ong for the lunch treat and while eating at Old Town I got this idea.


  1. good entry.

    people always talk too much without think.

  2. princess - thanks :)

    yes i agree. most people do... if you read persuasion by james borg you will know that our mouth could react faster than our brain :)

  3. article tu in health magazine ke ape eh?

    kami kat sini belajar jugak pasal benda2 yang dlm mag neh. Biasanya mag (except health today) depa tak quote mana they got the infos tuh. End up people tend to believe ah.

    Masih belum ada akta menyatakan yang kalau mag bg health info yang salah, mereka akan disaman. Itu masalahnya skang. So nak baca tu boleh je, but nak percaya tuh, check dulu.

    But for this issue, coffee lead to heart disease, as tatau nak kata pe betul ke tak. Never heard or learned abt this yet ;)

    take care, love ur heart. Hehe

    p/s: coffee memang tak bagus, caffein tinggi.

  4. as - hehe i love coffee and i think drinking coffee is much better than smoking. its like everyone knows chewing gum is a total junk but they still chewing it :)

    no, its in entertainment magazine :)

  5. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Haha .
    I guess he didn't realise that he smokes . :P

  6. high caffeine can cause numerous of it is increasing heart disease - based on research by John Hopkins Institute

    Want to know the scientific explanation? Naahh..wont do it here..too long

    drink in moderate, live healthy life :)

  7. yup betul2. Better sesangat to avoid things yang memang confirm lead to heart disease rather than cut off coffee.

    TAdi bincnag dgan rumate, she said coffee ni sumting like constrict kan blodd vessel. Cause blockage. Ni maybe ah. Bebile if da jumpa yang betul nye, as bitau ah. Kalau jumpa ah :P

  8. berrykisses - perhaps. its like life, they usually don't realize their wrong doing but always see in others :)

    inah - hmm. i want to live a healthy life of course but book and coffee such a good match hehe. now watching federer vs nadal. go federer! haha.

  9. :) kesimpulan paling senang, no smoke, no coffee utk org camtu. kasi je minum susu lembu, isap lollipop. pastu suh baca komik doraemon ^^

  10. as - hehe yep. macam rokok tu dah le bau busuk, then satu bahan pun takde yang berkhasiat. buat pe kan? :)

    if as dapat info lagi kasi tahu ye :)

  11. qaseh - er. lollipop tu menuju ke diabetes tau :P

  12. and it can cause stroke.

    moral of the entry - don't do everything too much. be moderate for 'quality' of life ;)

  13. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Ummm...I don't bother to read such stuff. Based on what they say, I should have been dead long ago! LOL!!

  14. I do love coffee.
    It makes me stay awake especially during lectures. hehe
    Can't live without it

    Coffee also can cause peptic ulcer

  15. oh lollipop takleh eh? oklah. kita suh dia isap jari dia. mst comey :)

  16. haha. yeah.
    even when we look at the mirror, we only want to see the good parts.

  17. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Yup , most of us are like that . (>.<)

  18. princess - which one will cause stroke?

    yes agree but there is no moderation in smoking. do you agree?

    suituapui - hehe you should take care of your health anyway :)

  19. drsalam - hehe yes, i need coffee whenever i feel so sleepy in the office as well :)

    qaseh - har? isap jari? alamak. macam shinchan le.

  20. penguin - hehe that is true. its like we look in the mirror and say "eh, i'm so attractive... very attractive".

    berrykisses - so you agree? :)

  21. coffee ;) and i also like coffee ;)

    but i read some article said that coffee may reduce the risk of stroke in men who smoke. it's true???

  22. princess - i did read about it too but if not mistaken its only works toward woman? any doctor out there for clarification? :)

  23. Anonymous8:48 PM

    i have to agree . haha

  24. berrykisses - hehe have to? alamak!

  25. Coffee + Cigarettes = Cancer = Death

    How come your friend smokes but read health magazine?

    Btw, you are not that safe either cos you are taking in second hand smoke, reportedly to be worse than first hand smoke.

    In fact, you are worse than him cos you are drinking coffee and taking in second hand smoke at the same time, whereas he's only taking hot chocolates. LOL!

  26. then how about men who drink coffee without smoking?

    doctor pls :D if not this conversation will not end :D

  27. Anonymous9:11 PM

    coffee + cigarette = high caffeine x high risk = cancer

    but, how about Ali Cafe??? ...give stamina for man right?...

  28. foongpc - yes, its unfair right? :( but don't worry, it is just an untrue story :)

    by the way, you change my equation? lol :P

    princess - er, that means he is taking the risk to himself and not to others, unlike smoker :P

  29. hussaini - eh where did you guys got the equation? it was not in my post lol.

    anything related to coffee is related to caffeine :)

  30. then we're more closer to the solution. hihi

  31. Anonymous9:28 PM

    coffee?? hmm... i luvvvvvvvvvvvv kopi oo ais... huhuhu..

  32. Anonymous9:32 PM

    sebenarnya tak nak setuju tapi tepaksa la bila dah banyak orang besikap mcm tu . haishh ..

  33. princess - hehe solution? such as?

    anonymous - ais can lead you to pneumonia and coffee got caffeine. omg!

    berrykisses - taknak setuju? sebab? :)

  34. such as you take risk beyond everything what you've done :P

  35. kira mulia la tu :) xsusahkan org lain. hihi. gud boy..

  36. It's an untrue story? You made it up? OK, so I just read a big fat lie on faisal admar's blog. I'm going to tell everyone. Just kidding haha!

    Yes, I updated your equation. LOL!

  37. princess - hehe i believe in karma, "what goes around comes around". so i must always do good to others :)

    foongpc - haha you scare me! i got this idea when i read an article in a magazine and while eating at old town this afternoon :)

  38. Anonymous10:34 PM

    sebab.. err.. tak de sebab ! haha

  39. Anonymous10:40 PM

    hehe..saje jer tambah2 equation tu...coz kalau diperhatikan abg2ku dah lah minum kopi. pastu hisap lagi rokok..aduh aduh.....

  40. berrykisses - eh esok start kelas kan?

    hussaini - cikgu tolong marah jap budak sekolah ni tak masuk tidur lagi :P

    elok lah tu equation yang sama dengan foong pulak tuh :P oh... abang2 memang smoke lagi sekarang? ekonomi gawat ni :(

  41. Anonymous10:53 PM

    yup tapi tak ngantok . haha

  42. berrykisses - jangan ngantuk dalam kelas ye :P

  43. princess - amin.... :)

  44. Anonymous11:26 PM

    "pelajar tersayang sekalian...gosok gigi dan tido sekarang yer...esok tak boleh tumpu perhatian lam kelas, kena cubit cikgu nanti...hehe.." (rantaian arahan dari Faisal..ahaks)

    dah blum wujud kesedaran lagi..rasanya nasihat yang dibagi bukan lagi masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri..tapi..tahap guna perisai dah..sekali bagi nasihat, melantun balik ke kita..huh....

    (azam diri utk berhenti smoking telah berjaya..harap tiada godaan lah...)

  45. hussaini - hehe tudia nasihat seorang guru :)

    hmm nak azam senang je. setiap kali rasa nak isap rokok, ambil ubat nyamuk hidu. ok tak? kalau rasa boleh bawa maut. jangan isap rokok :)

  46. Anonymous12:03 AM

    inilah petua yang paling menggerunkan pernahku dengar..hehe

    tapi itulah kenyataannya...

    smoking ni lah juga yang menjadi permasalahan kat sekolah sekarang especially students asrama. Senang je diorang dapat beli rokok. Maklumlah, Labuan dekat dengan area ni. So, banyak rokok2 smuggle terjual. Cthnya, rokok Era..harga RM1.50 jer (20 batang lagi tu...)

    Perkara ni juga yang akan jadi agenda meeting on Tuesday.

    Kalau sebelum ni kopi, beralih lah kepada milo. Walaupun orang kata boleh mengantuk, tapi kalau dah biasa, xde ape nyer..pastikan milo o suam...tanpa susu dan ais...

    oohh..nak tido dulu. Esok kena bangun awal. 4.50 pagi. 5.45 pagi kena bertolak dah dari rumah. Maklumlah, sekolah jauh sikit. Esok pula bertugas as guru harian. So, kena awal utk memulas telinga students yg lambat & terhegeh-hegeh nak p perhimpunan..hehe

  47. hussaini - hehe wah awalnye bangun. ni pun tengah tunggu nasi lemak je ni, sebab memang nak tidur dah pun, adik pulak masak nasi lemak. jadi kena juga rasa, kang merajuk.

    hmm, rokok ganti chewing gum. kopi ganti milo. tapi milo o bila sejuk tak sedap. kopi o still sedap bila sejuk. macam mana tu? :(

  48. Anonymous12:35 AM

    I started to love coffee, seriously on moderate amount, when I have my first taste of being an employee. Coffee is nice, but at the same time I was being warned by the physiotherapist that drinking it won't do any good to my bones which then leads me to have back pains. So I try to reduce the intake by having coffee when I really need to stay alert and awake, but sometimes, it doesn't help coz I dozed off quite easily right after taking it.

    But I don't like the smell of burning cigars coz I can't stand it and the fact that it is more harmful to passive smokers.

    You are right about the mirror principle. We are too quick to criticize and blame others but ourselves.

    Have a great coffee Monday tomorrow yea.

  49. Anonymous7:14 AM


    Wajib lar awal, xde lah kelam-kabut nanti...

    siap leh masak nasi lemak tengah2 malam lagi tu...nak berdagang nasi lemak ke adik Faisal tu???hehe

    kalau dah sejuk milo tu, memang dah kurang, kena minum sehabis-habisnya time suam-suam kuku tu.. :)

  50. Anonymous7:31 AM

    errr.. i teraddict to kopi susu lately =.=

  51. wn u tu tk notice kot rokok yg die pegang tu..hehehe

  52. I want to quit smoking, but i just cant. If i stop smoking, more trouble will come. So how? =)


  53. zara - that is very informative :) actually i try to reduce coffee intake but its kinda hard. do you know that coffee isn't good for your teeth either? haha!

    hussaini - hehe tak lah. dia masak awal, cuma panaskan balik je makan for supper.

    problemnya, baca buku kan lama, so air pun akan jadi sejuk :(

  54. adila - kopi susu? ais ke?

    wahidah - haha ye. macam nak ambik suap kat dia je :P

  55. skull - well, do you think by smoking you are erasing all the troubles? :P

  56. nice share here! hey btw like yr new blog template :)

  57. Anonymous6:51 PM

    well, too much stress also not good for your heart, right admar? still emo? luls..

  58. quachee - hehe glad that you like it... thanks :)

    cipan - that's why i quit RO hahahaha!

  59. Oh man, I do both...I'm in trouble!

  60. tammy - omg! you must stop :)

  61. Let's go to Starbucks after this!


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