True love means...

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot...

...who calls you back when you hang up on him...

...who will stay awake just to watch you sleep...

...wait for the guy who kisses your forehead...

...who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats...

...who holds your hand in front of his friends...

...wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you...

...wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her, or that's him"...

Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot...

...who calls you back when you hang up on him...

...who will stay awake just to watch you sleep...

...wait for the guy who kisses your forehead...

...who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats...

...who holds your hand in front of his friends...

...wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you...

...wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her, or that's him"...

salams faisal..ermm..actually sometimes, none of those things happen even when you are with your true love..hahahahahahah!
ReplyDelete...and I have yet to find that guy. *keep on praying*
ReplyDelete2 gambar ker..xleh nengok la..
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ReplyDeletehmm..xada pnglmn lg wit thts...
ReplyDeleteomg.. i already found him.. semua tu ada.. but lastly, i let it go...coz of my family.. relationship withour blessing pun xdak makna gak kan..i miss him bro.. hmm.. bukan jodoh kot.. xpala.. huhuhu...
ReplyDeletehmm.. something weird happen.. r u in luv bro? =) anyway.. congrats... :)
ReplyDeletebunkerangs - hehe kak ros, kadang memang macam tu. kita selalu impikan kehidupan seperti sebuah novel... tapi hidup tak seindah yang digambarkan :) hehe tapi saya happy sangat!
ReplyDeletezara - i thought its me? :P
shumierain - eh? lain dapat je tengok :D
ReplyDeletemasni - love is wonderful!!! :D
anonymous - parah tu bila tak dapat blessing dari family :( sedih kan?
ReplyDeleteanonymous - hehe. perhaps? jom nyanyi lagu perhaps perhaps perhaps :D next music monday nampaknya :D
Yeah, these are pretty sweet..
ReplyDeleteshumierain - oh sorry, dah edit. ada gambar dah ;)
ReplyDeleteterra - yes... these pictures will surely make you smile :D
So these are true love. Where are the pictures? Can't see them!
ReplyDeletefoong - sorry, i've deleted the email but have edited them :)
ReplyDeletenak pinjam ayat ni untuk sms...hehe
ReplyDeletehussaini - hehe romantik juga ye cikgu di sarawak ni :D
ReplyDeleteaww..u r in love?
ReplyDeletebut all these u do it to your girl?
i have yet to found one..i think these guys dont exist anymore.. :(
ReplyDeleteYou have been talking more about love recently. Is love lingering in the air bro?
id - they are exist, just that not all of them are like me hehe :)
ReplyDeletedrsam - hehe its still early to comment about that. but i am happy now :)
wow.. bunga2 cinta :) mcm bau nasi minyakkk je
ReplyDeletePerhaps perhaps?..hehe..true love means what sebab pic tak leh nengok pun..hmmmhmmm gambar! Kena censor kah? Gambar bogel...oops!!!! Hahahahaha!!! Haiz! Dah dilamun cinta...asyik post!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!
ReplyDeletejiwang lak..msti dlm mud ehem2 nih...psssstttt..kami nk dpt kakak ipar ker...?
my reply : Erk!!
ReplyDeleteits so nice.. =)
ReplyDeleteHi Faisal ,i'm Stephen from
ReplyDeleteSorry to bother you here as i wondering my replied email may go to your spam folder of yahoo mail.
Kindly check. Thanks and have a nice day!
guys like these are clingy. like ew. that's from my personal POV. heh.
ReplyDeletemr faisal, there's a post dedicated to you up my blog. the second one from the top. go see yeah?
love is so wonderful if u really know how to appreciate it and dive into it!
ReplyDeleteHi Faisal, it is my first visit here in your blog and I just want to say that you got a cool blog in here. :)
ReplyDeletecant see the pic :(
ReplyDeletei time will come right mate? :)
Love is wonderful (^^,)
ReplyDeletebut i cannot see the pic too :(
can't see the pics.. but i understand the message.. hehe..
ReplyDeleteinternet connection slow jd xle tgk gamba, hehe.
ReplyDeletea lot of people can say what true love is about but only several actually experience it. hehe.
aiyak..xleh tgk pon gmbaq..
ReplyDeletehow i wish i met that type of man..keep praying,,,,
ReplyDeleteaah la faisal, tk leh tgk gambar tuh. knape ek? ade lagi ke kekasih/husband/wife yg stay awake just to watch you sleep? Cam terus berdengkur je. hehe. But kalau ade, mmg beruntung, dijage cam baby plak. huhu~
qaseh - hehe pandai le dia tu :P
ReplyDeletead - alamak. silap lagik gi copy paste dari email :( dah edit. ok dah kot.
stp - haha dilamun cinta? perhaps. lol. i think perhaps perhaps perhaps should be my next music monday's song! haha.
ReplyDeleteixora - alamak. awal lagi kot :P
zara - haha!
ReplyDeletebeedle - hehe yes love is wonderful ain't it?
stephen - bad thing is i've deleted all the emails in spam. maybe you can email me again pal?
ReplyDeletehanna - ew nani? haha *spank* say that again!
i'll read my dedication post later ok? :)
giggling - i like your words hon! totally agree ;)
ReplyDeletegrace - thanks for visiting me :) visit me often yea! :)
inah - sure thing pal! :) can you see the pic now? :)
ReplyDeleteetavasi - when you can't see the pic, meaning love isn't wonderful then haha! just kidding.
jard - hehe at least the message can be understood right? i've edited the pictures once again. hope it works :)
ReplyDeletepenguin - i think its because of i copied and pasted from email, that was why you can't see the pictures. i've saved and uploaded them now. i think you can see them :)
do you believe that love is in the air? :)
teja - dah edit dah. boleh tak?
ReplyDeletewahidah - i pray for you too :)
skull - can you see the pics now? hehe masih ada tau. i'll do that for sure! :D
ReplyDeletei think, something happen to him last valentine's rite bro? =) kuch kuch hua? hhihihi.. no need 2 shy2 la.. we all ur frens.. sharing is loving rite? like an apples.. still remember? hahahah...
ReplyDeleteanonymous - haha! don't use my word against me la wei :P
ReplyDeletenothing happen :P
xsporting la bro.. just say yes.. =) huhuuh.... nk bikin gempak 1 opis..hihihi
ReplyDeleteanonymous - uik jangan2... nanti pening nak menjawab email.
ReplyDeletewell actually i can read ur mind.. =) just ask ur best fren..
ReplyDeletereally cool :p
anonymous - hahahahaha! read my mind? jom nyanyi...
ReplyDeletefree your mind... and the rest will follow... GHOST BUSTER!!!
sengalicious.. huhuhuhu.. :p
ReplyDeleteanonymous - hehe. boring ar tadi di ofis. macam nak terjun bangunan je... awal-awal pagi dah kena bebel sebab baucer salah 4 out of 233. pom pang pom pang!
ReplyDeletepatut arr muka seposen je.. mcm xbiasa lak bro ni.. kata dh 4 taun.. huhhu.. duk tgu gak depan pintu, xdak sapa dr admin mai pun.. yo yo o ja.. huhuhu...
ReplyDeleteorait gak terjun, famous terus income tax penang.. hahhahah...
ReplyDeleteYup. Now can. Ala-ala dlm percintaan je nih. Huhu~ Are you in love bro? Haha. Good. =)
anonymous - aik muka seposen? bila lak nampak ni :P oh tak sempat ar... tadi buat baucer gaji budak baru :D
ReplyDeleteanonymous - astaga. tak baik tau bunuh diri!
skull - hehe... in love? er er... perhaps perhaps perhaps. lagu baru ;)
ReplyDeletebetul ke? or just words je ni?
ReplyDeleteSometimes people say something just for the sake of saying it. Sedangkan, not even close. :(
aww this is cute =) hope someday... oh well. hahaha
ReplyDeleteim not really believe what people say 'love'.. coz love is sucks.. yeay
ReplyDelete...who will stay awake just to watch you sleep...
ReplyDeleteyang ni tak sure lagi. sah² time tido akak tak leh tahu dier bangun or idak. nanti akak pasang cctv erkk..
ok..da leh tgk..
ReplyDeletehermm..bla..bla..bla..haha...indahnya cinta..mencinta..n dicinta..
tapikan faisal..ada ke suma2 tu??erm..maybe ada..tapi xmmenuhi suma diatas kot..
u wont admit u love me..n bla..bla..bla..
haa..lgu ni ke?dulu lgu drama kolej teja..tingat zaman muda2 dlu..haha..apa pun, harap hepi2 selalu..
so sweet~
ReplyDeletebut.. too good to be true la~ :(
Free Your Mind is one song. Ghost Buster is another. Please don't mix them together...zzz
ReplyDeletehaa baru dpt nengok gmbr 2..i wish it's me..
ReplyDeleteCahaya - Ask yourself what do you want :) To me, I believe in "What goes around, comes around" karma. Meaning, if I want something good, something romantic happen to me; I must do it to other first :)
ReplyDeleteSakura - Someday? Hehe. Hmm hmm.
Muhafis - Life is like a stool. It can't stand without its four legs which are health, wealth, love and faith. Got it? :)
ReplyDeleteMummysyafie - Pasang CCTV? Haha akak ni. Akak ada buat tak kat hubby? :) Takleh le harap from one side je... hehe.
Teja - Refer komen kepada Cahaya :D
ReplyDeleteAdila - Too good to be true? Elaborate please :)
Joseph - Haha. Ok, my fault. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteShumierain - Don't just wish as it won't happen without action. Just do it (now it sounds like Nike)!
here's my response to your comment:
ReplyDeleteto mr faisal,
oh you do know how to light up my day. can i be your girlfriend, *giggles*? haha, gurau saja, gurau saja. im sorry you're gonna miss those..but i kinda believe i could still cause a wave of jaw-drops without magic as long as i do my best..and kool, about you feeling flattered; you should be. hehe.
well, i could try romantic comedy (which is gonna be freaking hard for me). i could also try..thriller (tho i'm gonna suck really bad), or maybe i could just do something like picoult, kekeluargaan. argh.
yet, vocab juggling is hard, mate. like really, hard. haha. thanks for your support and cheers, mr faisal. like always, you rock!
Wow, you romantic, you! Very nice post...
wish my partner will read this.... lovely!
ReplyDeleteowhh..kena refer lak ek.hehe..
ReplyDeleteok2..erm..kalau psl entry ni..mmg sweet..spe je yg xnk cmtu kan...
so..kalau kita nk mcm apa yg kt entry tu, kita pun msti wat cmtu kt partner kita kan.. :)
(pandai teja ni..cpt blajar..hakhakkk..)
hanna - try romantic love story. i think you can juggle some cool words there ;)
ReplyDeletemike - thanks mike :)
rush - abang tepak, doing it is better than reading :) how's your love life going? everything ok?
ReplyDeleteteja - hehe betul. kita buat dulu, then sure dia pun akan buat juga. tapi kalau kita buat dia tak tahu nak appreciate or balas, then takyah buat lah! LOL.
bleeeeeeh!!! i definitely learn that the guy doesn't love you as much when they don't call you after you hang up... nice list!!!
ReplyDeletecisss.. yo yo o ja.. ajak terus xbrani.. huuhuhu igt nk masuk ja blk pak usop tu.. dh xnak xleh watpe arr..heheheh
ReplyDeletei quite agree to bunkerangs love happens in unexpected manner
ReplyDeleteyou never know when will it comes
have a great day faisal
Bagi pendapat CW, Cinta itu Sementara....Sayang itu Berkekalan.
ReplyDeleteCinta Juga satu perkara yg amat amat dan amat membebankan..
Lets enjoyyy je uolll!!!
ReplyDeleteHi hi, If we can apply all these tips, then the girl friend will stick to a man forever.
Thanks for the tips.
Happy blogging, my friend.
a lot of nice picture ..
ReplyDeleteemm... romance
Jackie - Ah! That's quite true. If he really love you, he'll call you back right away after you hang up the call :) I agree!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - Yea right, En Yusop tak ada dalam bilik masa tu ok. Kalau betul nak jumpa, then Isnin ni.
Bluedreamer - Yes Blue. It's true. You'll never know :) Never hate "love" as only "love" can make you happy :)
ReplyDeleteCyberwira - Cinta itu indah. Sayang itu suci. Sayang tidak seindah cinta. Love is in the air, can you breath without air? And if you've to breath, since love is in the air, don't you think love keep you alive?
Coolingstar - Yes, but some girls just never get enough. If you know what I mean :)
ReplyDeleteMrApple - Yes, romance is cool when you are in love :) It's a heartache when you are not!
There are some other indications to show a true love. But I think yours should suffice for most cases.
ReplyDeletehello faisal just dropping by again here thanks for the visit
ReplyDeleteSigh, sigh, sigh...Faisal, Faisal how come you have to remind me that I'm single ah? Hehehe Rubbing it in my face lah with all these pictures!
ReplyDeleteahaa..kalo dia hargai, mmg xyah buat la kan..
ReplyDeletetapi slalunya, kita akan hargai apa yg dia buat kat kita..kita akan mmbalasnya..tapi maybe bukan dgn cara yg sama la kan..
Sheng Loong - True love is too general and I guess it's really based on experience and individual perspective :)
ReplyDeleteBlue - No problem Blue! :)
Rosie - Haha single mingle is good! :D
ReplyDeleteTeja - Cara macam mana pula? :P
Faisal, u tgh in love ke ni? He he he! ;)
ReplyDeletehaha..ntah la..bergantung pada individu tu la..
ReplyDeleteMariuca - Haha no comment dear! :D
ReplyDeleteTeja - Hmm hmm... apa kata Teja?
nice post ~~
ReplyDeletebut only for who those yg dah married
hehe ;p
Nabil - Hehe! Perhaps perhaps perhaps! ;)
ReplyDeletegiler romantik.hehehe.menarik...tak sabar nak kawin.hahaha
ReplyDeletePaan - Haha pulok! :D
ReplyDeletehi, I like ur writing & d way u tink.. anyway, for me love is sacrifice...
ReplyDeleteClassy - Thanks and I hope you'll come again :)
ReplyDeletei've done dat before. i'm enjoying doing it without regrets. But now sude ilek. back to single life.
ReplyDeletekadang2 rindu semua tu. especially, watching da one dat we love tu tido. cute giler. pastu kalo dia terbangun, tepuk2 dia smpai dia tertido balik. rasa mcm nak duk tgk dia tido berhari-hari lamanya pun takper.. hehehe... pastu kalo dia bangun, and terperasan kita tgh perhatikan dia je, mula lah gelabah. malu. pastu kena marah sbb tk tido lagi. ala, marah2 syg..
best kan kalo terjadi benda tu.. :)
honey - yep. itu lah yang terjadi sekarang ni. best sangat! :)
ReplyDeletelove is in the air... just wait for the right moment ok? :)
as i said. It happen before. but i juz wait patiently till it comes again. Patient is Priceless. :)
ReplyDeleteTapi makin menunggu si dia, makin byk dugaan lain yg menggodaku.. hahaha..
nasib baik lah hati ni kuat. hehe..
haha. ye la. org cantik kan. mesti la byk godaan! :D
ReplyDeletepilih betul2 tau :)
takde maknanya cantik. hahaha...
ReplyDeleteermm... pilih..? ntah lah. cam tknk pilih je...
ada ke org nak i sbb mmg nak i. bkn sbb luaran. org selalu misunderstood on me. susah..
godaan apa pun, hati tetap setia... blh..? hahaha...
wah. pengakuan ikhlas ni :P yang penting hati. luaran tu bonus je :D
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteluaran tu bonus dan ujian..
ReplyDeleteorg mybe senang tuk bertukar arah, tapi mungkin bukan saya. tu yg keja keras skrg, blh lupa ttg semua itu for a while.. yang penting, biar Allah saja yang tahu... kerana Dia takkan betray kita.. kan.. kan.. kan...huhu..
amboi. tazkirah lak :D betul2... saya setuju. cinta itu sangat murni... best!
ReplyDeleteselari dengan bulan ramadhan. huhu... :)
ReplyDeletehehe. bulan lain2 macam mana?