I believe these peoples are intellectually oriented but most of them shout, use vulgar words and act harshly doesn’t matter in parliament or outside.
Both parties.
If you ever see this advertisement:
“Don’t try this at home”
You should tell your kid:
“Don’t try this anywhere”
Malaysia oh Malaysia!
Both parties.
If you ever see this advertisement:
“Don’t try this at home”
You should tell your kid:
“Don’t try this anywhere”
Malaysia oh Malaysia!
haha. suddenly britney's song - circus played in my head.
ReplyDeleteAll eyes on me in the center of a ring,
Just like a circus
When I crack that whip, everybody gonna trip,
Just like a circus
Don’t stand there watching me, follow me,
Show me what you can do
Everybody let go, we can make a dance floor,
Just like a circus
no comment on the politic though. I've rest my case. Huhu.
dahsyat juga perilaku dalam gambar-gambar ni. Aduhai..bilakah kedamaian akan wujud?
ReplyDeleteCahaya - I don't get involved too but I watch news for some updates and when I watched this drama, I told dad: "See how doctors, lawyers and businessmen react"
ReplyDeleteDad smiled.
Hussaini - Tengok dalam news lagi takut masa pergaduhan dalam parlimen. Perlu ke kedua belah pihak guna pakai perkataan yang kesat dan jerit seperti orang yang tidak berpelajaran? Perlu ke nak tunjuk pandai walhal dengan berkelakuan sebegitu rupa hanya menjatuhkan air muka dan maruah negara? Bila masing-masing anggap diri perfect dan terbaik, maka ini lah jadinya :)
itulah..sedih tengok mereka "bercakaran" di dewan Parlimen. Padahal, Parlimen adalah dewan yang mulia untuk membuat persidangan. Apabila emosi mendabik di dada, begitulah jadinya. News akan terus menjalankan kerja mereka kerana mereka tahu rakyat akan suka akan hal-hal macam ni dan semakin lakulah jajaan rating dan jualan mereka. Tapi, sampai bila kan?
ReplyDeleteIri hati melihat kedamaian negara Brunei Darussalam. Apa pula pemikiran mereka apabila melihat politik Malaysia sebegini?
(kerana majoriti rakyat Brunei turut memiliki Astro. Siaran TV1, TV2 dan TV3 juga dapat disaksikan dengan jelas di Brunei)
Just photos only, no youtube videos so I can hear all those vulgar words? LOL!
ReplyDeleteKids should watch this under parental guidance, of course. They must know why they should not act like these politicians : )
oh no. corrupted. how are they gonna to lead the nation then? its not about the power u will gain but how are you gonna to get responsible and guides the people you should as u said. tsk tsk tsk
ReplyDeleteahahaa..ni la yg jadi bila emosi yg mnguasai..lalalaa..
ReplyDeleteActually I don't really give a damn about Malaysianpolitic arena.
ReplyDeleteBecause I knew they are all just the same.
1 tuduh ini, ini tuduh sana, sana tuduh sini.
sungguh un professional...dunia dunia
ReplyDeleteHussaini - Parlimen sekarang dah jadi tempat perdebatan peribadi. Bukan lagi tempat perbincangan masalah negara dan rakyat :)
ReplyDeleteFoong - They're still young and watching professional people acting this way, I'm afraid they don't want to be one of them and worse delete all their ambition :)
Syaz - Yes. If everything involve with personal matter and emotional, I don't think these people can guide us.
ReplyDeleteTeja - Orang yang gagal kawal emosi adalah orang yang tidak bijak :)
Ann - Correct Ann. Me too. But I need to update myself with the news no matter what and it hurts my eyes for sure :)
ReplyDeleteWahidah - Betul. Dunia banyak circus. Boleh kita ketawa instead of senyum kan? :)
Hooligans! Macam orang tak berpelajaran. And they say Malaysians are friendly, polite...lembut kot!!!
ReplyDeletemalaysian boleh!!!! T_T
ReplyDeleterasanya ramai org yg ambil kesempatan di atas situasi yg xdiingini ini..demi kepentingan
politik survival memasing
jgn la gate suk ni kna kawalan 24j lg....susah cek nk p keja :( :( :(
ReplyDeleteIt only shows how barbaric UMNO is.
ReplyDeletepolitic is out of my league
ReplyDeletebut those picts really showed the real people behind our politics..yukss
yeah. same as cahaya, I immediately had the song in my head when I read the title. LOL.
ReplyDeleteround 1... fight!!!!
ReplyDeletelawless country this is.
its been a while since my last visit:P
ReplyDeleteoh hoo, this is what happen when ppl get to crazy on sth, be it politic or what, huhuh
there r well educate, but darn poor in EQ:P pity them hahaha
No offense to pro-Umnoers, but you should really tell Umno Youth people to straighten their act. There are more pressing issues in the country that can bring down Umno more quickly than an old lawyer-cum-parlimentarian. Besides you can't do anything to an MP who speaks in parliament - parliamentary immunity lalala.
ReplyDeleteApsal nak kecoh sangat kat org tua ni? Kalau hang betul2 x salah biarlah die.
To DAP-ers, please tell Karpal Singh to tone things down. Yalayala, we know Singh is King but you don't have to show off right? XD
ReplyDeletereal politic situation in malaysia..
Politics gets nasty sometimes doesn't it.
ReplyDeletethis is just crazy. yeap, dont so this anywhere. makes you look like a moron. i mean, it makes you a moron, doing this. madness.
ReplyDeleteWhat's going on? Wow! But then I again the paparazzi in the U.S. is the same way, maybe worst.
ReplyDeleteSuituapui - Haha calm down teacher! :) I agree with you.
ReplyDeleteMasni - Hehe kerja KOMTAR ke? :) Faisal dah malas pasal politik ni. Keji.
Jard - Uh?
ReplyDeleteJoseph - We shall see the investigation result. The act by the UMNO Youth was not right and the vulgar by Karpal was not suppose to be used. Don't you think?
Malaysia with its politeness. Now, I doubt.
Kniedaz - Yep. There is another drama behind the scene too. Do you know they are close friend at the parliament pantry but shout to each other in parliament? Drama... :)
ReplyDeletePenguin - Girls and song. Haha!
Zewt - Sometimes you just wish half of the human on earth will be vanished by God. Too many people, too many crime.
ReplyDeleteRahah - Yeah. Maybe we should make an equation for them:
Eh? LOL.
JL - Haha JL is trying to be neutral eh :P but I know which side are you with :P
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree.
I don't like how the UMNO Youth act too and people who don't know how to control their act with their brain when they are in anger are the weakest man in earth.
I also don't like how The King used his fancy word as "celaka" is much worse than "damn" in term of the usage in daily basis.
I'm with you JL! Haha.
Shumierain - Bias? Elaborate please :)
Tammy - Agree with you Tammy. They get dumb easily when they think they are most powerful and the brilliant ones!
ReplyDeleteHana - Yep Nani. Show their stupidity beneath that cute blazer and good certificate :)
Jackie - Hmm fighting outside of the parliament :)
ReplyDeleteops..terasa diriku...ahaha...
ReplyDeleteTeja - Selalu gagal kawal emosi ke? OMG.
ReplyDeletekui3...selalu tu..idak le..kadang2..ahahaa..
ReplyDeleteTiada lagi kesopanan dan kesusilaan..hehehe..Nak jadi pemimpin kenalah JAGA semuanya...
ReplyDeleteHaha.. I like Cahaya's comment! Anyway, you chose the perfect title for this post. Nothing could spell better than Circus :)
ReplyDeleteP/S: Hey, politician! What about our economy??
With great power comes great responsibility. but hey...with too many jokers around, I don't think they put their thought much on it. The circus is getting merrier each day.
ReplyDeleteAnd clowns never fail to make me laugh too...
Not very good examples, for sure...
Teja - So, sekarang ni kena belajar kawal emosi tau :)
ReplyDeleteAd - Bila amarah di dalam badan, minda pun tak dapat berfungsi :)
BCD - They are deaf when they are possessed by the power :) Do you really think they talk about us or even think about us out here? Even American troop can stay longer in Iraq now unlike the "news" and "promise" that I've heard before :)
ReplyDeleteDrSam - When it comes to the fact they make the same joke everyday, frankly I can't laugh anymore and it makes me puke!
Mike - Yes Mike. Bad one!
ReplyDeleteWhat investigation result? You think it's ok to bully an old person on wheelchair? In short, UMNO Youth is very 'kurang ajar' and 'biadap'.
ReplyDeleteJoseph - So, it's ok to call people "celaka"? You ain't stupid, so don't behave like one :)
ReplyDeleteYes, from that barbaric act. I think they really 'celaka'.
ReplyDeleteJoseph - Now I know what is your level since vulgar is your cup of tea ;) Good luck then.
ReplyDeleteP/s: Human is weird when they think they are always right and blame others for their own stupidity :)
Ouh my god! They are being so childish man! Damm! =)
ReplyDeleteTekkaus - Yes. Very childish. Even young people like us would laugh for stupid incident like this :) One word: Immature.
ReplyDeleteThe pic says it all. No wonder I stop writing political blog. Can't stand reading all those childish stuff!
ReplyDeleteIsmail - Yeah. They can be pain in the ass sometimes eh?