Since you really want to read something on my blog, I simply write junks. Lol. My body and mind are way too tired to think of something heavy. No, I won’t talk about my work of course. It’s boring and boredom kills, I know.
First of all, last Saturday I met a blogger name Tun Teja. It says in her blog that we can call her Teja. It changed when I met her. “Oh don’t call me Teja… call me Ema”. Er?

She was in Penang since Thursday if I’m not mistaken but I couldn’t make it to meet her earlier as it was a sudden plan and she was fine to meet on Saturday. I told her that I want to take her around at night as it’s more interesting at night than daytime.
On Saturday, she told me that she afraid that she can’t reach at the Sungai Nibong bus station if we go out at night time as the bus will be leaving at 10pm. Duh!
So I texted her telling her that we will be meeting in daytime then.
Shit happens I know.
Guess what?
No water at home all in sudden. No letter, no notification or anything. Damn. I was about not going to office on Friday when the same thing happened but I was lucky enough because we still got some water kept clean.
I told her that I can’t go out stink! You know… first impression is very important! Hahaha.
We got water in the afternoon, so my sister and I rushed for shower and went out to meet her. She wanted to meet at Khalil. I just agreed.
I hope she will come again for better foods! Lol.
I got few awards. Haha yes I got big smile now! In fact an evil laugh too! >:)
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to God, thanks to my parent who are always by my side and support me, thanks to my family who I know seldom read my blog because its in English but still swallow it, thanks to my friends who most of them prefer to criticize rather than enjoying the post, thanks to my lovers who enjoy reading my craps and thanks to all my blogger friends who always keep yourself posted with my junks! Ok ok, no hard feeling; the lovers part just a gimmick of course. Lol. Ok, do I sound like I win Oscar?
Let see the awards ok?

Thank you guys! It's hard for me to describe with words and I'm not good for sweet talk either. Only God knows how happy I am right now :)
I don’t want to talk about today as I got a letter to attend a course which I think it’s not for my work but for me to go Haj. Why I say so? The course will be in 3 days. 2 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening everyday we will have religious preach. Do you think it’s related to your job? Plus, I think its bias. Don’t ask me why I say that ok?
Just want to share with you this excerpt:
I could have annihilated all the Jews in the world, but I left some so that you world would know why I did that -Adolf Hitler-Ok, I know it's not related to my post... but related to the world? Ops.
teja dlm blog en faisal...kat luar leh la pgl my real nme.. :)
ReplyDelete1st impression is important..yep..but since ada sebab..xpe..di maafkan.. :)
next time..teja nk mkn pasembor, laksa penang, mee udang n bla2..haha..
ok2..awards tu..ada satu yg mnarik perhatian..ahaha.."macho blogger" ;p
teja - haha macho tak? muahehehe *evil grin*
ReplyDeleteok no hal. nak datang tolong inform awal ye. macam these few days kena book. rasa macam panggung wayang plak haha!
hahaha..u know what..teja da gelak guling2 da kat sini...kikikiii... nk wat appoinment ngan PM lak ye.. :)
teja - haha bukan la PM... taraf ali rustam saja... ok tak?
ReplyDeletehaha...suka hati awk la..ermm.. kna cari waktu sesuai nk wat appoinment ngan org tu..kna wat setahun awl.. ;p
ReplyDeleteteja - amboi perli nampak :P nak larikan diri lah... sedih ni...
ReplyDeletemacam mana le jap gi nak drive ke jitra lak. dah le mata separuh masak dah ni... ngantuk. 3 jam gak tu. nenek bro in law meninggal.
esok lak ada orang nak lanje sushi... hehe.
nk larikan diri?hehe..pegi la..lari la jauh2..jgn bwk keta... ;p
ReplyDeletejitra?da dekt ngn umah tu..g la sggah..haha...aiya..manyak bahaya drive time ngantuk..try mnum carefully ye..
sushi?suka ye..ishh..lapar la lak..haha..
nacho ke nachos ? ;DD
ReplyDeleteteja - ha? tinggal keta? pastu nak pi dengan apa?
ReplyDeletedekat dengan rumah? eh bukan perlis ka?
nescafe? tak best. nak kasi tak ngantuk, ambik nescafe serbuk tuh makan je! :P
ye sangat suka sushi!!! yumsss!
berrykisses - ar? tu keropok le :P
then , nacho tu apa ?
ReplyDeletelah..kata nk lari..p la lari..pesal nk bwk keta lak.. ;p
ReplyDeleteye la..jitra n kgr xla jauh mna pun..
pergh..mkn serbuk sja?mmg la pening den..haha..
Thanks for the awards, Faisal. I tak reti nak ambik camne ntah..hihi...Btw..are you sure its Nacho Blogger...not Macho? Or the Nacho Blogger luvs nachos? *tetiba lapaq*
ReplyDeletelawanya awek ko jumpa... lalalala
ReplyDeleteAlamak.. for sure cannot meet anyone without shower!!
Eh.. MM is out early.. can't wait to see your selection!!
I hate it when they just cut the water supply without informing in advance. One time, I had to purposely go to the gym to take my bath cos no water in my house, not even a drop! : )
ReplyDeleteyup.. tp.. den suko jo.. xkisah pun sb volunteer nk p..huhhuu..
ReplyDeleteBro..thanksfor the award...hehehe...
ReplyDeletebestkan dpt jumoe blogger sesekali...bila plak kita nak jumpe reramai nih???
Tunggu dan lihat...
Thanks for the award bro. Betul jugak ckp Wan Hidayat tuh. Why not kita arrange perjumpaan blogger2. Ramai2 turun bes gak tuh. Tempat, maybe KL paling ok kot. huhu~. I don't know, just my suggestion. =) Tahun nikan banyak cuti. =)
waah..first impression is important huh :)
ReplyDeletethanks for the award dear :)..but it do sounds like winning an oscar already :)
just go and enjoy the course yea :)
hej! faisal...thanks again...hhhmmm...i don't know what kind of award to give to the way i think a friendship is much greater than other thing...dozo yoroshiku...;-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the award! U're supposed to link to the blog of the blogger you're giving the award to. Malas, ya? Hahahahahahaha!!!! Wah! Hebat now...owes meet-up with fellow-bloggers. All pompuan ones, I see? Wink! Wink! Hahahahahahaha!!!!
ReplyDeleteberrykisses - er, nacho bukan nama dia ke? :D
ReplyDeleteteja - perlis ke jitra dekat le kot. ni penang memang le jauh. maklum lah pulau mutiara :P
zara - haha. its suppose to be macho lah :P tapi rosie saje je changed it to nacho pula :P but nachos at victoria station taste so good! like the prickle chilies :)
ReplyDeletekapten - hehe memang lawa!
Dah jumpa ngan Teja. Ngan orang Sarawak ni bila??? Haha...habis bajet nantikan.. :P
ReplyDeleteCerita pasal Jitra, rindu plak nak g sana..Coz pernah praktikal kat Polimas. Makan char kuew tiaw, cendol pulut & lain2..huhu...
Btw, thanks for the award..."A Perfect Blend of Friendship Award.." Thanks again... :)
LJ - hehe yes agree. go meet blogger without shower? haha even go to market i will shower first!
ReplyDeleteLJ, can i make auto post for monday? i need the linky for the auto post. because if i post now... it won't be surprise anymore. i won't be around on 8th. but the even is on 9th. i know this event i should read all your comments later but the chalet has no internet. so i will read the comment on 9th :D
foongpc - yes i hate it a lot when all in sudden there is no water or electricity! :( i will go naked for both!
anonymous - adus email ofis tak baca ke? kalau ada member2 lain nak gi, leh pass. malas la gi course macam ni.
ReplyDeletewan hidayat - glad that you like it :) hmm tu le... entah bila nak jumpa blogger2 glamour macam wan! :) mesti shivering terus...
skull - hehe kl lagik. adoi. boleh je kot. cuma kl aku selalu sesat! hahahahaha...
ReplyDeletep/s: axim dengan anies di penang pun tak jumpa2 lagik keke :P
inah - glad that you like it. enjoy the course? alamak... tersangat lah tak best :( where have you been?
Lerr Faisal.. I ingat your special event is today or something. Rupa you just want the code.. hmm.. I could have just given you the code lah dearie... anyway.. you wont be able to put your link in anyway if you do a schedule post coz Blogger wont give you the url for the post unless you publish.. so how??
ReplyDeletedanial - alamak japanese pula :P hehe glad that you like it. er, for the time being i don't need award but i need present... for a reason! :D
ReplyDeletesuituapui - hehe terlupa bukan termalas :P
er, i seldom meet blogger la. i'm a shy guy remember?
hussaini - hehe cun tak award tu?
ReplyDeleteoh nak jumpa orang sarawak? hehe tapi nanti memang nak gi sarawak nak melawat kawan di mukah dan sibu... :)
mana tahu boleh pergi sana tahun ni ke. ramai gak blogger yang active di sarawak kan? dah jumpa dorang?
LJ - alamak. ya ya. nevermind... i edit and post it now. but hehe sure everybody will laugh at me!!! :P
wah dh dpt jumpa tun teja eik..makin byk la bloggers yg dh jumpa eik
ReplyDeletewahidah - hehe ye che wahidah :D tak le banyak mana pun... baru 4 kot.
ReplyDeleteI got two awards too? Hehehe Yay yay yay yay yay!!!!
ReplyDeleteThankies. Me mucho appreciato! ;P
rosie - amboi now all the spanish words come out. got spanish bf now? lol.
ReplyDeleteIt's not Adolf Hitler that left some Jews in the world. It's God's mercy that some Jews left to witness the end of times. After all, they are His chosen people. No matter how rebellious they were, He can't forget His promise to their ancestors, namely Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
ReplyDeletejoseph - he could kill them all remember? same thing in Andalusia :)
ReplyDeletenacho (singular) nachos (plural) eh ? :P
ReplyDeletewajiblah cun award tu...hehe... :)
ReplyDeleteramai juga blogger kat Sarawak ni contohnya saja dari Kuching Bloggers...Setakat ni, jumpa Florence (M.Witch)..tu pun sebab dia travelling ke area sy...boleh la jumpa sekejap...
Kalau nak g Sarawak, bajet kena cukup tu...kenalah berjimat cermat..Btw, masih dalam perancangan kan...
berrykisses - hehe no idea. i don't speak spanish :)
ReplyDeletehussaini - bagus lah kalau suka award tu :)
kalau kawan cikgu di mukah tu confirm december tak boleh pergi europe vacation tu, so maybe plan to sarawak lah kot this year :) tengok macam mana keadaan :)
ingatkan memang mahir . ;)
ReplyDeleteberrykisses - haha tak pernah belajar pun. mandarin pun tak pass walau pun ada sijil :P
ReplyDeletehehe..teja mksudkan jitra ke perlis la..btw..ada kwn faisal suggest wat gathering..hahah..y not dia join yg teja ckp2 kt faisal b4 dis tu?faisal join la skali..alah..KL-penang...xjauh pun..kui3..
ReplyDeleteps;yg lain2..kalau nk tau apa2 psl gathering tu..silala ke blog teja ye..TQ..semua bloggers leh join..
teja - haha! ye ye sape2 yang nak gi gath di kl sila ke blog teja :)
ReplyDelete4 jam je ;)
ReplyDelete4jam je..dekat je..kikiii..sesat tu nnti..biasa la..alah..ada kwn kan kt kl.. :D
Congrats on the Nacho!!!
ReplyDeleteteja - hehe ada le. so bila gath tu?
ReplyDeletespeedcat - hehe thanks eric! eh get your award here too! :)
xtau la lg..faisal rsa bila ssuai?tu yg nk tnya pndpt bloggers lain gak..
ReplyDeleteYour awrds ceremony was so expansive, I guess I missed it! ((sorry))
ReplyDeleteI will add this to my awards page, and shoot you a link from there too :-)
Thanks my friend !!!!!!!!!!
wah , sijil apa tu ?
ReplyDeletehee. thanks utk award tu. wah, jumpa bloggers rupenye.bila nak dtg segamat pulak? hehe!
ReplyDeleteHey Faisal!!
ReplyDeleteSo what's the surprise that you're keeping us in suspense ni??? Tak sabar2 ni tunggu your MM entry..
Anyways, congrats on the awards!! And thanks for passing me an award too!! LOVES!! :)
Bila pulak you want to come down KL ni??? Let's meet up!!
teja - bila sesuai? er, weekend je kot. senang takyah ambil cuti haha.
ReplyDeletespeedcat - thanks eric! :) hope you like it...!
berrykisses - sijil mandarin hehe :)
ReplyDeleteqaseh - segamat? hehe nanti kita jumpa di muar je lah ye? :P
shemah - hehe nothing much le shemah. not a big surprise pun. i fell asleep and just woke up... adoi.
ReplyDeleteyou arrange a gathering, then i'll go to kl hehe!
the date la...aiyaa...hehe..
ReplyDeleteHaha sesat? Tkpe. kali ni aku tunjukkan jalan. tkkan sesat punyer. mlm kite lepak william. Aduh. Lapo.
ReplyDelete**Dlm mase terdekat nih aku turun Penang kot, kalau sempat, aku call. =)
teja - hehe date? er... tak berani letak. kang tak boleh datang kena marah :P
ReplyDeleteskull - okes. turun penang roger sama aku! haha. alamak! aku ngidam williams dah lama bro :( last aku di kl pun tak sempat... sebab atuk passed away... kelam kabut pack barang ambil flight even bus ticket dah beli awal... masa tu kursus.
hehe..xda spa pun yg nk marah la..kalau xleh dtg nk wt cmne kan..
ReplyDeletehehe.. mekaseh ya.. Suddenly I feel all macho :D
ReplyDeleteI told her that I can’t go out stink! You know… first impression is very important! Hahaha. --> MUAHAHA!! AGREED!!
ReplyDeleteNope, some Jews already scattered around the world at that time. Particularly in US.
ReplyDeleteteja - hehe kalau tak marah cayang lah? hahahaha
ReplyDeletebcd - hehe you memang macho pon... or nacho?
ann - hehehehe agree eh? :P
ReplyDeletewow thanks dude
ReplyDeletewow faisal, nice update! haha - yr life is as always, very interesting. :)
ReplyDeleteblue - its my pleasure :)
ReplyDeletequachee - hehe thanks quachee! :D
wahhh...jd pt time tour guide ye???
masni - hehe. tour guide tak berbayar :P
ReplyDeletewah... saya tkde ke.. huhu..
ReplyDeletenah.. juz kidding....
honey - haha. ni lama punya award :)
ReplyDeletesaya tau.. saje je bergurau di bulan puasa.. hehehe...
ReplyDeletehaha. ok je. tak la bosan sgt di bulan puasa kan :D
ReplyDeletesenyuman tu awet muda.. macam saya.. hahahaha..
ReplyDeletesenyum byk sgt pun nanti kedut lak muka :P