Oh yeah, I’ve forgotten about the trip to Muar even thought there was nothing much to tell. Did I tell you that we were stuck on the Penang bridge from 2.40 until almost 3am because of the stupid road block. Sorry for being very blunt, but seriously I was mad. We started to drive late because we wanted to avoid traffic jam! Sigh.
My youngest sister was the warrior for this trip. She drove till Tapah and we stopped at R&R there for refreshing.
Then, I drove from Tapah until Seremban. We stopped for pee and Dayah took over until Muar. Thanks Dayah! I guess I’m too old for a long, tiring journey. Lucky we got her!
Right after breakfast we went to Muar Hospital to visit granny.
The fried bihun sure looks yummy. :)
ReplyDeleteWould prefer Nescafe with susu haha. Congratz in you at the Top Three of Blog Idol 2010 for Round 3. Week 4 gonna be lagi exciting..Cheers.
ReplyDeletetekkaus - the taste was so so pal :)
ReplyDeletebananaz - hehe me too but sometimes i just want it without milk.
ReplyDeleteoh, thank you :) i was away and had no internet. fuhhh! must be a tight one.
faisal u pics ne looks so sexy la..hahaha..dah mcm model majalah mangga je..:P
ReplyDeletewow..driving from Penang to Muar is a very long and tiring journey! Don't think I can ever do that.
ReplyDeletebila u buka entri pasal MUAR,
ReplyDeletetetiba i jadik rindu pada auntie2 dan uncle2 i kat Muar,
dah lama giler i x blk,
last i blk,
thn 2004,
even tok aki ngn nenek i meninggal pun,
i x sempat nak blk:((
miss them so much:(
roadblock? on the bridge? for what?
muar = mee bandung muar sedap!
wahidah - alamak! mangga? sedih.
ReplyDeletemei teng - i'd prefer going by bus but driving is cheaper. sigh.
ReplyDeletewanie - you kena pergi dengan bas. rileks sikit. lagi pun belum ada lesen kan?
ReplyDeletebcd - entah, i pun tak faham kenapa :( mee bandung? i suka nasi briyani gam lagi :P
ReplyDeletepegi ngn bas?
ReplyDeletenanti sampai sana x blh lah nak jln2 sgt sbb x der kereta,
x kan nak harapkan my aunt ajo,
wanie - hehe naik teksi :P
ReplyDeletewhat naik teksi dari Alor Setar- Muar,
ReplyDeletemak ai,
x molah baik i naik bas,
x pun u lah yg drive,
bergilir-gilir ngn mama,
ok x????:P
oh baru realize the rule
ReplyDelete18 ke atas is a bit too much
i'd say 15 and above is ok
wanie - i paling benci drive :P
ReplyDeletedila - yeah. imagine my OKU aunt... how is she gonna survive?
ReplyDeleteala u bergilir-gilir kan,
pastu blh singgah IKEA,
mkn meatball,
then blh jugak singgah WILLIAM,
wanie - nak naik bas gak :P
naik bas pun naik bas lah u,
jumaat nie i ngn azim ada wedding job,
nak join x?
tapi tuelah si azim kena dtg alor setar ptg sbb nak ke Changlun,
jumaat? pukul berapa?
ReplyDeleteptg lah dear,
takut u keje,
hari sabtu dan ahad pun i ada job,
tapi azim x derlah,
i make up org saja,
kalau u nak join ok aja:)
wanie - make up dekat mana?
ReplyDeletedekat Changlun,Kedah:)
ReplyDeleteyg 12hb tue mula2 make up kat butik,
pastu trus shoot ke changlun....
oh... cameraman? i nak kaypoh je
ReplyDeleteu mean azim ker?
azim punya job ari jumaat ptg saja,
yg ari sabtu & ahad dia x terlibat...
oh ok. all the best ya :)
ReplyDeletetq darl;)
ReplyDeleteno problem :)