One word: OMG!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Munir, unconscious [part 3]
Middle from left: Faisal, Ayu, Miza, Wahidah with Naim, Zawani, Nurul, Fauzan, Fazli
Last from left: Firdau, Zuwairi, Fahmi
While I was at the graveyard listening to those religious peoples praying for Munir, my mind was flying away.
10 years ago…
“Nice watch” a simple compliment from Munir.
“Er, yea” was my reply.
“Can you buy one for me? I never wear watch” his voice was persuasive.
“I will buy for you and give one to you next time ok?” my reply was convincing.
He smiled showing me his light yellowish teeth.
I never buy him any watch even cheap one that I could buy at night market. Even though I wasn’t serious but somehow I feel that it was a promise.
“Adik Long, let’s go” my elder cousin touched my shoulder which make me awake from my dreaming. “… God loves him and it’s the best for him” he persuaded.
“Hmmph…” I sighed. I looked at his tombstone before I walked heading to my car.
I still remember how happy he was when he came to my house during Eid last year. How he looks like when he was in coma too. “Memory remains and never ends”. I agree and it’s very true.
He got involve in accident where he rode a motorcycle and hit a car somewhere in Perai on his way back from work (in factory) to his house in Guar Perahu, Bukit Mertajam. He got his salary on that day and called up his family told them not to buy any food for breaking the fast. He wanted to treat them grilled seafood somewhere which he never mention. His family was waiting for him when this incident happened. It was around 6pm on Wednesday. He was in coma for 8 days which 2 days ago he showed a very positive reaction. He moved his hands and legs whenever we asked him to raise them. Everybody was happy. I mean, very happy. But then, it happened fast too and in a blink he passed away. He was 19 years old and his birth date is on 3rd November 1989. I still remember I smiled when I saw his last 4 number in his identification card is same like me – 5199.
It was fourth day of Eid, my sister Nurul called me around 1:50pm told me that Munir’s eldest sister Miza called telling her that Munir was critical. I was at Hussain Nasi Kandar with Zakaria Awang -- my colleague, stuffing ourselves lunch. It was raining when we rode motorcycle to the office. I packed my things and drove to KOMTAR to fetch Nurul. But when I reached KOMTAR, Nurul told me he’s gone.
May he rest in peace.
Let us say a little prayer for him doesn’t matter what religion you believe in.
Note: Munir, 3/11/1989 – 23/9/2009 (died at 2pm at General Hospital, Penang).
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Happy Eid Mubarak
To all readers here doesn’t matter you are Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or Christian; doesn’t matter you are Malay, Chinese or Indian, I wish you Happy Eid Mubarak. May this celebration will tighten our bond and create a harmony life.
If there is any wrongdoing or verbal and written fault, please forgive.
Note: Tomorrow is my blog’s 2nd anniversary :) Happy Anniversary to Life is too short to be ordinary! (in one breath).
Friday, September 18, 2009
turn signal light
While driving to work this morning, I thought about Munir. I kept praying that he will survive and strong going through this. I just want him to keep trying and never give up. At the same time, something happen that caught my attention.
I was at a junction near my house. A car came and it was quite fast. I was very late and thought that he would just go straight but no, he turned to the junction that I was waiting, giving him way.
I was so mad.
He didn’t use his turn signal light at all. If you don’t use it, why bother put it on your car or wasting your money buying it?
Is this only Malaysian’s behavior?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Munir, unconscious [part 2]
I visited him during lunch break and the comment given by the nurse:
“He is still unconscious and the blood pressure is not stable, keep praying”
I looked at my watch it was 1.30pm.
Note: I wore the white cotton cloth given by the nurse; I prefer the one that the doctor was wearing.
Munir, unconscious [part 1]
After went to Bukit Jambul Complex buying Levi’s for dear and window shopping for dear’s proper clothes to be wore on Eid Mubarak, we went home. On the way home, we stopped to buy burger. I ordered my favorite Oblong burger with black pepper sauce.
My cell phone beeped while I was waiting for burger. I read the SMS:
“Abang, Munir involves with bad accident and ambulance is taking him to Penang Hospital and they said the condition is just 50/50. He rode motorbike and another party drove a car”.
I was very shock.
Now he is still in the hospital unconscious. Let’s pray for him :(
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Meme: Save Yvonne's Sight
I’ve been tagged by Dr Sam (you must click on the link given as he is one of the drop dead gorgeous and famous guys in blogosphere!) with a very special meme. Why I say it’s a special meme? Because this meme is about:
Yvonne Foong, 22, has neurofibromatosis type II, which has severely affected her sight and hearing due to tumors in the brain and spine. She is scheduled for an operation between 1 and 4 December 2009. The cost of surgery is USD44,000 or RM154,770, and the cost of staying in hospital for two weeks is USD915 or RM3219.
She has raised about RM10,000 of this and is hoping to raise the rest by republishing her book I'm Not Sick; I'm Just a Bit Unwell in English and Chinese. The books are now available in Malaysian bookshops and from her web site store. She is also selling T-shirts at bazaars and via her web site store. You can read about her surgery and donate to her fund here.
You can also help by sending on this meme. If you do, please follow these meme rules:
1. Create a blog entry titled "Meme: Save Yvonne's Sight"
2. List three things you love to see. Add in the picture of Yvonne's book cover. The URL is
3. End with the line, "Yvonne Foong is in danger of losing her eyesight thanks to neurofibromatosis (NF). Please find out how you can help her by visiting her blog at
4. Tag 5 blog friends. Be sure to copy the rules, OK?
5. If you have a Facebook account, please check out Ellen's new invention, a "feme" pronounced FEEM, a meme designed for Facebook here. And if you want to blog about NF, that would be great too!
3 things I love to see:
- World with no pollution
- No smokers in the world
- Road ethics obeyed
Bloggers I'm tagging are:
"Yvonne Foong is in danger of losing her eyesight thanks to neurofibromatosis (NF). Please find out how you can help her by visiting her blog at"
In fact if anyone else out there would like to meme or feme this - please feel free.
Note: This meme is a good one and I do it as soon as possible after my fast-breaking session with family.
Monday, September 14, 2009
the lion sleeps tonight
PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
moon cake
Anyone here likes moon cake? Well, I ate this few days ago. It has 4 flavours (4 pieces of course in one box) and cost around RM11.70 a piece. Can you believe that?
Most important thing is they are so yummy!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
dissatisfaction explosion
Not a good day today.
After one of the staff got his cheque yesterday, today my chief clerk realized that he is not entitle for the claim – blazer claim.
Usually, staff or officer that wants to claim for blazer will get the cloth from the store. Which mean those who are listed in the name list and get the cloth are those who are entitle to claim for the tailoring expenses.
To be frank, I did not know who got the cloth and who doesn’t. Never bother to ask too as giving out the cloth is not under my job task.
So, whoever comes to me and want to claim I will assume he got the cloth as everybody has been emailed about this matter together with the circular. Despite a lot of claims nowadays, I have some other things to get done in the short time period as well including computer loans and housing loans. Sigh.
He came to me and asked other staff’s letter to be copied because that is the easiest and fastest way for them to get their claim fast without even thinking how to write a proper letter to the director for the approval. I made a photocopy from the latest blazer claim and passed it to him.
“2 copies or letter and 2 copies of receipt, one the original and another one is the photocopy”.
He nodded.
Today, my chief clerk realized that there was a mistake. But seriously it was too late. I called him up and sadly he had paid to the tailor. I told chief clerk about it and he wanted to meet that guy tomorrow morning as going home early was the priority. He lives in Sungai Petani, understood.
I do hope this problem won’t be dragged to the director as I think it was a slight mistake from my part too. I do hope things will be solved in a good way.
As a bonus, the environment in my office remains the same. I had reported about the blinking light right on top of my head which gave me great headache since 2 days ago. I reported to the person in charge and he had informed person in charge in Dewan Perniagaan Melayu for instant action. As usual, nothing, they prefer to work slowly than fast.
Not enough with that, the elevators were not working. We have 3 elevators and 2 of them not working. Imagine that. Our person in charge logged a report to Dewan Perniagaan Melayu, the result? It was still the same until I used the one that still working at 5.30pm to go home.
If you want me to list them all from the cracks all over the building, uncivilised toilet and worst the rat attacks, I think it will take the whole blog interface.
Note: Just a pure dissatisfaction explosion.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
steamboat and tepanyaki
Last Sunday, I went to eat steamboat for fast-breaking with Keith. The restaurant was cool in term of foods and environment. The foods were delicious and mouth watering even just look at it and the environment was so cozy. Not only packed with a lot of choices for your steamboat, you can also choose different kind of soup like porridge, tom yam and chicken soup. Not to forget you can pick your favorite meat or seafood for Tepanyaki.
RM27 per person.
Nothing much to write about; hope you enjoy looking at the pictures.
Can you see the different soup for steamboat? Oh man… heaven!
Prawn and Crab Tepanyaki! So fresh!
Cuttlefish, beef and chicken in black pepper Tepanyaki. The best I’d say!
My favorite clamp! It looks simple and I prefer to eat it with peanut’s gravy ;)
Note: More food pictures to be uploaded. Oh please, I’m not a flogger :(
Saturday, September 05, 2009
revolving restaurant
I planned to eat ice cream buffet at Revolving Restaurant which is located in the Bayview Hotel, Penang with Keith.
Then, just now I called the hotel and she answered me crudely. Why I say crudely? The conversation went like this:
She: Good afternoon Bayview Hotel, may I help you?
Me: Good afternoon, can I ask something regarding Revolving Restaurant?
She pressed the button without even say hold on or any word related to me and passed the call to the Revolving Restaurant staff.
He: Good afternoon, Revolving Restaurant.
Me: Good afternoon, can I ask something regarding the ice cream buffet?
He: There’s no ice cream buffet.
Me: Oh, ok. But you got it last time right?
He: Yes, now no more.
Me: I got a flyer about RM13 for Haagen Dazs. So, that is not the buffet?
He: No, that is only for 3 scoops and you can get ice cream too when you eat the dinner buffet.
Me: Oh ok. Thanks. I just want to ask about the ice cream buffet.
He hung up the phone.
Is this how a hotel staff should answer phone? There is no “sir” in the conversation too. I wonder how they train the staff there. They answered in a very unfriendly way. Friendly here doesn’t mean that you have to laugh or make joke. When you talk on the phone and you smile, people can feel the warmth in the conversation.
I am upset that there is no more ice cream buffet like last time but I am more upset with the staff.
Note: I called at 4pm Saturday (5th September 2009).
Friday, September 04, 2009
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Today was such a stressful day.
Let me shout here, one by one to make me feel relief. Remember this is not a complaint even though you might claim so. It’s just a shout.
It’s hard to describe when you work 9 hours without even rest for lunch break. I know its fasting month, but that doesn’t mean we, human doesn’t need rest. Sometimes I simply think that workload has not been divided equally when you can see some colleagues can have a good conversation while laughing out loud and some even can read magazines during the working hour. It sounds ridiculous but it happen. I know it’s not good to feel envy to your colleagues but in your great stress the feeling can be existed by your unstable mind. Won’t you feel the same way?
Not enough with the workload, to make the matter worse, the toilet is damn dirty. You won’t believe that these men exist in this era where human acts like an ape. Not just they do not know how to flush after using the toilet but they even cannot remember how to clean the basin right after they use it. What will you do when you see phlegm stick everywhere at the basin? You won’t even touch wall in the toilet. How can you defecate when not just the scent spoil your mood but also you the view as the bonus?
Money always seems not enough. No matter how hard you save, if you cannot be creative to create more money, it won’t be enough. Last year I have put myself in great depress and stress when I tried my best to save a lot of money and also at the same time to find some good side income. I have been trapped into a contract farming that not really worth it. So it was a good lesson for me to learn and help others if needed in the future based on my own experience. Back to the basic, in order to build a business, you must have knowledge regarding it. Let say you want to open a restaurant; you must be a good cook before you can hire someone who can cook as your worker. If you want to open an internet café, make sure you have good knowledge about information technology and also know about software and hardware. This year it has been a bit slow to me. No progress in searching the best business for me that doesn’t need much capital to start with. I do not want to be in hurry like last year, but I must work hard to achieve what I have targeted since few years ago. Why I feel stress about money all in sudden? Part of my saving that should be invested in local share will be used for house payment and car loan settlement. I also need new furniture for my room, air conditioner and also hot shower. Not to forget, repaint my room! I need to recover slowly from the pain.
My friend told me that you will get a lot of pimples when you are stress. Maybe he was right because now I have so many pimples on my face. Some peoples call it acne. Whatever they call it, it really makes me unhappy. By looking at them in the mirror everyday, I don’t think it will vanish soon. The more stress when I look in the mirror, the more pimples will come out? Geesh.
Quizzes and assignments are getting thick. I know struggling is a must. But I have think about this properly before I decided to continue my study again after quit in 2005. I don’t care if I would take 12 years, but this is one of my life goals. So, I must complete no matter what. Flying colors is a bonus though.
I always want to be the best and the smartest if not in the entire world at least among my friends. Isn’t this a good goal too?
Note: I feel relief.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Today (Tuesday) I didn’t go to work. I got stomach cramp since last night maybe because of the drink (Coke) that I drank last night. I have no idea why, but Coke seems like can’t get along with me.
People like me with AB positive should have problem with beef and chicken instead of soft drink. But maybe there is something in the ingredient that just doesn’t suit my tummy.
So I texted my boss telling him that I was not going to work.
I didn’t fast. Just ate rice and fried chicken left from sahur and took my medicine. As usual it was my favorite pills -- carbon/charcoal.
I took nap for a while as I was a bit drowsy maybe because lack of sleep last night. I had planned to do some room cleaning in the afternoon.
After napping, went to mom’s room watching TV with her for a while. I chatted with her and kept teasing her with her facebook as she was busy with my laptop. I was a bit upset as there was no news at all from the accounting lecturer regarding the quiz. The quiz needed you to answer with the time given, online. But USM’s portal had been closed for some reasons. The due date was 31st August. Darn, I was so frustrated. I texted some of the students regarding it and most of them were upset, same like me. Updated my Travian and then went to my room.
I started with sweeping my floor and then vacuum the whole room (including my wall! LOL). The final part was mopping. My room is not big but it can make me sweating like playing badminton for 5 sets. Gees!
There is a reason why I clean my room, minimize the things in it and throw junks out of my room.
I better keep it as secret until it’s time to reveal =)
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Tamparuli Bridge (Tuaran, Sabah)
Tamparuli is a small town and a sub-district of Tuaran on the west coast of Sabah, Malaysia. It is populated mainly by native Dusuns, while ...

I've been tagged by foongpc . Here are the rules: 1. List these rules on your blog. 2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog. 3. T...
Tamparuli is a small town and a sub-district of Tuaran on the west coast of Sabah, Malaysia. It is populated mainly by native Dusuns, while ...
James Bond actor Daniel Craig has had cosmetic surgery after being injured on the set of the latest Bond movie, he revealed in a new magazi...