Again it will be fully loaded with some pictures. After this I guess I won’t put so many pictures anymore. Just in the mood for snapping pictures or else… hardly snap anything.
Recently my colleague Linda went to Pet Shop and I told her before if she goes to Tobby Pet Shop let me know as I wanted to buy milk and cat food. So she called me telling me that she was there and wanted to buy those items for me. I agreed as the cat food at home almost empty. I never let them try the milk but after reading Ej’s blog, I wanted to give them a try. The result was great… they like it!

The cat food

The milk...

She loves it!
Instead of put some pictures of the cat foods, I want to put some cat pictures too. I was so excited to snap their pictures after reading Maurica’s blog about her little cute Phoebe. Linda bought a kitten recently too and she kept sending me some pictures of her new kitten :) Cute aite?

She is not in the mood... flu

Time to sleep... na na na...

"It is warm here do you know?"

I love my teeth!

Miss me?

He he so cute!

Short and chubby :P

He he so cute!

Short and chubby :P

Twinkle twinkle little star!
Ok I guess the heat of the election has gone. It was awesome when I wrote about the election and peoples were rushing in my blog. I purposely click the print screen button of this picture :) Not my intention to brag about this but it made me smile.

I wrote about my job description had changed here. I was so busy with works until I had to take them home. But it was okay as I love challenge. It was not okay when it took away my blogging and reading time! Haha.

At work...

At home... hu hu...
Lately, weddings were everywhere. People always take chance when there are school holidays. So I was invited to so many weddings and sorry for those who I couldn’t make it. I’m so sorry… I hope those who married recently will be blessed and last for the whole life.

Simple wedding but great :)

Cute eh? It was "hantaran" from my family

My friend's wedding
I was chosen to attend a course. Stress Management Course. What do you think? Lol. Guess the boss know who to choose? I learnt a lot of thing at the course and yes as usual I guess not everybody understands why they attend a course and always get negative pictures about it. I guess some people just prefer to be uneducated than educated. I wonder why in this developing country there are still many people prefer the latter one. Sigh. This course not only taught us about how to feel relief and release your stress but also about foods for your health and foods that could help you rid of your tense. Do you know that eggs are good even no harm for you to eat them everyday! Only 5% cholesterol absorbed by the foods and 95% is produced by your liver! Haha! So guys… enjoy your eggs! :) I love the mind therapy. She used a very soft music… very relax and calm and use our imagination while we closed our eyes tight. It worked! I got 3 cds of good music (produced by nature sounds like rain, jungle and birds) but no idea where I put them! I will keep searching…

The brochure...

She is a good psychotherapist & hypnotherapist!

Lol, he realized that I wanted to snap his picture!

Parking there... hehe this really release my tension!

Parking there... hehe this really release my tension!
And for the conclusion, these were what I ate recently…! Enjoy guys…

An apple a day...

Opposite Sri Malaysia Hotel...

Grape skin are good... same benefit as wine!

Homemade? Ha ha ha...

Muahahaha to Nurin... I know you are craving for this!
Till later!
P/s: Happy fasting to all Muslims :)