Saturday, December 29, 2007
man utd leads.. ronaldo top scorer
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
linda's treat

Thursday, December 20, 2007
merry christmas

puteri recent pic

taskmanager problem
selamat hari raya adiladha

Have a nice day!
Friday, December 14, 2007
"mesra pelanggan" course
Basic courtesy.

Thursday, December 13, 2007
man utd malaysia's website
This is a great news...
If you are one of us please visit :
Let us sing together... Glory... glory Man Utd!!!
Monday, December 10, 2007
no water
So, I decided not to go to work. Not because I'm lazy but I don't want to go to work stink. Sigh, I've 5 days leave left and yet I've to take another leave. No two nossy boss at work today which is good [what a waste, I have to stay home when boss en't around].
Nevermind then, since I have no car [borrow to my bro in law for taking mom and sister to work] I better stay home be a good boy and do some reading.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
golden compass

Saturday, December 08, 2007
fishing competition
No pic taken from my cell phone but I will upload pic that taken by some friends.
I caught no fish but a water snake haha! They didn't count on snake, so I did not win anything but free breakfast and lunch ;)
I'm going to take shower and rest for a while. Not only tired but my head is like boiling -- heat from the sun. Ah, you know how it is like sitting on a big rock at the shore?
It was fun.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
what a sunday [1 dec 2007]
Guess what? Outing with Nadia my old mate. Kinda forgotten when was the last met... yeah too busy with works and business. Friend does help to release tension too.
We started with out for lunch -- Sushi King [I talked about Sushi last time, this should be the 2nd episode eh? Hehe]. Fetched her around 1pm and we went to Sushi King in Prangin Mall. Man... it was so delicious! No wasabi please... haha! Joseph joined us a bit later since he went to church for some activities [Ah! He didn't eat anything at Sushi and in fact he really could not stand the smell at the restaurant... I did not smell anything at all hehe]. We laughed a lot while enjoying the lunch.
After lunch, we went to cinema planned to watch movie [it was spontanious plan anyway ;)] but then no good movies. So, we just walked around for cds and cell phone. Then, we plan to go home.
On the way taking her home, we stopped at Gurney [near Chill Out club, is this landmark ring a bell?] for Coffee Beans. Me with Ice Blended Mocha and Nadia with Ice Blended Caramel. We had chit-chat with the drinks. It was full of laugh and fun. So long I did not have this fun... I need it for a break sometimes haha!
Took her home and drove back. Bad traffic as usual but still a smile on my face. I was so happy.
Good day!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
annual dinner
Bought lunch and went home. As soon as I reached home, ate lunch and slept.
Woke up at 5pm and got ready slowly. Yeah, still a lot of time. Reached there around 7.15pm. The dinner started with special dance called Ulek Mayang by temporary staff. Our choir was just after that. I could say it was so so.
Food was ok [nothing great though]. I wasn't lucky last night since I don't win any lucky prize haha!
Enjoy the pictures and video ;)

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