who doesn't love
michael jackson? who doesn't know him? in case you ask about mikael, then it will sounds unfamiliar because that was recently happen and not officially announced.
the weird thing is life is never fair. why do i say so? because you will 100% be remembered and loved when you're gone. sad... but true.
he is not the first to be used as example. but since he is the recent case, i simply point out the truth.
i love michael jackson songs so much maybe because of my parent's influence. i still remember how funny i was when try to immitate his dancing stype including moonwalk and not to forget grabbing my crotch and scream "auwwww!" while touching my head (i suppose to wear hat, i know).
he is a legend. everybody knows.
king of pop.
i was shock to know that he died because of the heart failure not by the skin cancer which was the reason he expected to die with.

even though he is not with us anymore, i hope the songs will still be playing everywhere forever and not just for tribute.
michael we're going to miss you!